Weird bump on back

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Sep 19, 2010
I am trying not to freak out, we noticed a weird bump on my daughter's back today. It is on the lower right about an inch and a half away from her spine. It is tender when we touch it. It feels like it is on a bone. When she bends forward you can definitely see it. I am not sure which doctor to even take her to see but I think I am going to call her pediatrician in the morning and have her look at it.
Any idea what this could be?
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Hmm, not sure. Glad the ped is checking it out though, I'm sure they will know. There is an excellent chance it is a benign nothing.
Is there any colour to the lump? Draw a line around it and take a picture with a ruler.
Sorry no idea but I'm sure the GP can help! Hope you can get it checked quickly so you don't have to worry. :ghug:
The bump is under the skin and juts out very slightly when she stands straight and then when she leans over you can see it more. There is no discoloration of the skin. We have a doctor appt this afternoon. I will keep you posted.
Maybe a lipoma? I had a student who had several near his spine. They were harmless at first, but then needed to be removed once they became large and caused him pain.
So the doctor had no clue what it is. He thinks it is something on the bone on the crest of the iliac bone (top of your pelvic bone) he is sending us to be seen by an orthopedist.
Glad you got a quick appointment and hope you get an answer soon at the next one. Please keep us posted!
M has hard bumps on the top of both feet that were painful. I was very worried about them but her rheumatologist said they were bone spurs even though bone spurs are more often in the heels. She asked M if her shoes were tight and M said no.

We eventually figured out that they were from her soccer cleats which were tight around the top of her foot and she wore for 4 hours a day when she played high school soccer.

Anyway, she still has them and just wears different shoes. Apparently you can have them on your spine too.

Hope the orthopedist can figure it out soon!
Could it possibly be erethema nodosum showing up in a strange spot? Is there any joint pain or signs of other red spots appearing? Keep an eye on the spot to see if it starts to look bruised....
Yea Kim, I was thinking bone spur.
When we found a lump in Grace's knee I thought bone spur. It turned out to be something different.
Hi everyone!
This was the nicest orthopedist. The appt went well. They took an X-ray and the bump does not show up on it which makes him think it is soft tissue. He thinks it is bursitis.
He said it is in the sacroiliac joint. He says avoid pressure on the area and she can ice it. He said it will hopefully go away on its own. He said her spine looks great no signs of ankylosis get spondylitis which I was glad to hear.
AS typically is not picked up on xrays until AFTER damage has been done
An mri would be needed if the SI joint to determine if AS was a factor or not
I would try to see a Rheumo about it
He was basically saying that he does not at this point see any damage in the spine indicative of AS. He actually did give us the name of some rheumotologist that he recommends.
That is definitely a good sign Kim! Damage in the spine at Caitlyn's age is quite rare -- I can't tell you how many doctors have told M that they haven't ever seen a patient quite like her (and she has barely any spinal damage but a lot of SI joint damage and some fusion which gives her a Juvenile Ankylosing Spondylitis Diagnosis).

A rheumatologist is a great idea. For what it's worth, neither of my daughters has ever had a bump on their SI joints, so maybe it's not arthritis related at all (fingers crossed!).

Both my girls have fusion in their SI joints (bone growth) but still no bumps.

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