Weird thing happening

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 31, 2011
For about the last week or so, I feel extremely full after eating, even though I'm not eating much at all. I also having a feeling a little bit below my belly button like I've been punched. Any ideas?
It'd be good to record when you feel this way in a diary for your next drs appt. There may be several reasons for the full feeling. Your doctor will help sort it out. I have strictures in my small intestine and get feeling full quickly if I've clogged myself up with too much fiber trying to get through there.

Eating less because you're feeling full may make you end up losing weight gradually, too.

Let us know what you find out. I'm sorry it feels like a punch in the gut. That's an apt description of how I've felt, too, many times. Good luck to you.
I used to get the punched in the gut feeling when I was flaring. Usually it was if my stomach muscles tensed, even little things like going over a speedbump in the car would hurt unless I held my stomach with my hands and consciously relaxed the muscles. I think it was from active inflammation, because it gradually lessened as my flare improved.

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