Weirdest color of ostomy output?

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Aug 1, 2011
So, I definitely didn't even remember that dyes and stuff aren't digested.

I was at a Timbers game last night and I shared a licorice rope with my friend.

A few hours later, I emptied my bag and the output was neon red!

My immediate reaction was something akin to, "OMG I'M BLEEDING SOMETHING'S WRONG MOM HALP HALP 911"

and then I remembered.

I ate some ******* licorice.

...definitely still getting used to these ostomy quirks.

I've heard also that blue powerade supposedly makes the output something like...kryptonite green.


grape koolaid will also make it green! I don't have an ostomy, but I've had it come out of my butt. I imagine it ends up even brighter from an ostomy.

I ate pickled beets one night then freaked out when I started peeing and pooping dark red.
Beets do it to me everytime!

Weirdest output color - after drinking blue gatorade. It was some sort of weird greenish blue color!
It's blueberry season. Sigh. I ate a good bowl full and sat on the toilet for an eternity trying to figure out the weird blue-green-purple shades of my output!
fresh BC cherries turned the output.... (duh duh duhhhhhh) ..... dark dark green!!

I would have thought some kind of purplish (like blueberries)...... scared the, well, crap outta me the first time!!

And yeah, beets are the closest second weird color. And if your ostomy leaks EVERYTHING turns pinky/red......
If you want to be scared to death have some Hot Tomales candy around 8 and when you wake up for your midnight stool disposal you will think you are seeing blood. Then once you fully wake up you realize you had Hot Tomales and you will be kept up the entire night thinking just how scared you were.
I would like to clarify....Powerade DOES cause a sickly bluey green slimy colour. Ehem...dont ask me how I know this....................
Well this is all good to know, just wondering this morn why everything looks so greenish green, cant really remember eating anything that would do it but the gatoraid. Thanks for the food for thought.

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