Hiya Pete,
Sorry for your struggles.
I have had wicked bouts of life-altering-proctitis.(lap)
I am not a doc, but I do know a little about oral cortico-steroids.
Perhaps you might be willing to share some info in the quest for insight?
If the goal is to reduce inflammation, I do not find 30mg to be aggressive at all?
How many tablets on your prescription?
Intended, according to the printed label,
to be taken how many a day? for how many days?
Does this 'script have any renewals?
Was a clear taper-off-schedule established before the word "Go"?
Oftentimes, if the outcome underwhelms, adjustments can be made...
in cooperation with medical professionals, and sometimes in dire
circumstances, in spite of them.
I say, it's your body alone, and you hold the highest veto in your health.
If you really want to discuss it further, just clearly say so?
Either way, I hope ya figure out how to get some effective results.
Plenty of folks speak of ass pain.
Unfortunately, such chat often reveals they are like at a level 3 ass pain.
Yes, I know that is enough to suck, but..
IBD'ers usually have it worse...
I have been at a level 23 sore arse for the last few years.
Lots of good folks suffering out there!
I remain cheerful & postive & ready to laugh.
Not just in spite of it all,
also to spite it all, which is a nyice bonus...
Not any kind of a brag, but in the name of full & adequate disclosure:
- currently have active Crohn's disease despite aggressive tall drugs
- I have 4-10ass cracks, anal fissures most days for many years
-I also ride 3 complex fistulas, entangled with my big sphincter
-I have been unable to find remission but remain somehow hopeful
-my bum hurts very bad
-it has done so for a very long time
If you just wanted to whine out loud to fellow sufferers, fair enough.
I see that as value added & valid.
I only wish you well.
But if you really wanna discuss how to handle your sore arse,
boy have you come to the right place!
Just ask!!!
you have options!
I don't necessarily think the stuff you were taking before the proctitis,
is the wisest path.
(hint: I'd wager a tube of blue anusol it CAUSED your ouchy proctitis.)
ergo think it over before you keep using it???