Were you ever tested for Celiac's?

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Apr 5, 2014
Just curious if any of you ruled out Celiac's before being told you had Crohn's or UC?

Wondering if my 4-year-long very benign Crohn's is actually Celiac...I think I had a negative blood test but I was on 6MP at the time...
I have coeliac disease and crohns.. Coeliac was diagnosed and controlled before crohns disease symptoms really began.

I assume the blood test you talk about is the TranstissueTransGlutaminise (TTG) one?

I don't think that having 6mp would result in a negative coeliac test, since if that was the case then me being on 6mp now would allow me to eat gluten safely, which it doesn't.
I was also tested for Celiac, via stomach biopsy before my Crohn's diagnosis. I was negative for Celiac.
I was tested and the result came back negative. I was diagnosed like two to three weeks later with Crohns.
I think it pretty stock standard that they do biopsies for coeliac when you are scoped. Well that has certainly been our experience.
They also test for it when small bowel is resected.

Dusty. xxx
I was tested by blood test and biopsy, both were negative. I think it's fairly standard to test for coeliac in people with undignosed digestive problems.
yes I got tested for Coeliac's, was the first condition they tested me for if i remember right. I got given IBS diagnosis for weeks then they decided to look for Coeliac disease using a TTG Blood test. Came back negative. But I knew i didnt have it as i have never had a bad reaction to wheat or gluten

Maybe just me, or lack of research, but I seem to find Coeliac is more rare than CD or UC, or Proctitis
I'm inclined to think coeliac is actually more common, the research I've seen (can't remember where, will dig about and see if I can find it) stated that about 1 in 100 people have coeliac, while the information books my hospital hands out says that IBD affects about 1 in 200-250 people.

I think it's more that once you're used to the diet and have learnt the dos and don'ts coeliac is easier to manage. It can be a highly frustrating condition at times because it is limiting when trying to eat out, and many people don't take it that seriously, but I tend to say I have an allergy in restaurants and they are really good (my lips and tongue do swell so it's almost like I am allergic as well as the internal issues) .

IBD on the other hand is intrinsically hard to get controlled and keep there, medications can have nasty side effects and surgery is scary and often complex. IBD has a higher complication level because treatment isn't 100%. Although coeliac can be very serious and the symptoms are nasty, if you stick to the gluten free diet then the vast majority of sufferers lead healthy full lives. So I think for those reasons it is less reported if that makes sense?
I was never tested via blood work as my docs family said there was no way that was it (pre gi visit) not sure if the biopsies my GI took were tested for it or not, but if they were it was obviously negative as I was never told.