Weyhey, the man from delmonte, say yes!!!!!!!

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weyhey, the man from delmonte, say yes!!!!!!!

so heres an update on my general anaesthetic yesterday. I went under at about 2.30pm and when I woke up which was only about an hour and a half after that, I was told that I don't have another fistula as my surgeon feared. I in fact have a small fissure in my rectum which should heal on its own apparently. I also had granulomas (a build up of healed cells) which needed to be scraped a little but other than that, my fistulas have healed, hallelujah!!!! so. . . . . my surgeon then told me that everything was healed well enough for me to have the reversal surgery, hallelujah!!!!!

So now I'm just waiting for a date, I am so pleased, oh and I'm fine after yesterday by the way. so any helpful tips on the reversal surgery and what to expect would be greatly appreciated.


Hey Ruth!!
Way to go!!:)
Sorry I can't help you with the reversal surgery question..
But I sure can help you celebrate!!!!
That's great news!
WOOHOOOOO!!! Let's do the happy dance!!

Hooray for Ruth
Im so glad you dont have those darn fistulas.
At least your luck is changing in a very positive way.
You wanna rub some of that luck over here LOL
Yah Im really happy for you I would have that glass of wine maybe 2 if i were you. Go for it you deserve it LOl