What are the best elemental multivitamin and mineral products?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 10, 2012
I have severely impaired digestion and nourishment and am showing rapid tooth decay and black pockets in between gums. They seem to be getting worse every few days.
My fault for not keeping a deficient diet and not taking a multivitamin all this time.

Can anybody recommend an elemental multivitamin/minerals which doesn't require digestion/will be easily absorbed?
Do you know of a liquid one? Will powdered ones/any multivitamin need to be digested? Ideally they would not contain any unnatural ingredients or anything that will trigger a seriously bad leaky gut.

Whole food vitamins such as those Dr. Mercola sells.


Are all vitamins and minerals the same in that they will all require digestion? Or will some be absorbed better than others.
If I don't know that, then mercolas range could be thing made for normal people which require digestion whereas I may be better of with something that is liquid?

All vits are different, such as Vit D which is best absorbed by sunlight. Others are best absorbed with other vits and some not so.

Do you know which vits you are lacking in? This will be the best way of going so you arent wasting money

Also best way is to work out why you are malnutritioned. Is it solely crohns or more due to what you eat (lack of variety)?
I would guess that unless the vitamins are sublingual, there is some degree of digestion involved.

The one a day variety of vitamins are made in the lab so you get the vitamin that is supposed to be there but not as usable by the body because vitamins do not occur in nature as isolates. They do not usually break down easily either, physically.

I use the Mercola vitamins and if you drop one in water they start breaking apart in a few minutes. Even in my worst flare I never found one in the toilet.

I need all vitamins and minerals in an easily digestible and absorbable form as I have leaky gut(includes low stomach acid and low digestive enzymes which makes It difficult to break down any solid food). Due to my sensitivities I hardly eat carbs and just live on chicken, fat and a little carbs. I am not eating right and even if I do I am not digesting and absorbing right. I am trying to go on an elemental diet however my rapid tooth decay, black pockets in between gums make me want to start supplementing before anything else.

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