What are the Dos and Donts regarding CD

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Aug 7, 2011
Hi again .
Can anyone tell me if there are any major dos and dont regarding crohns disease.

Things to avoid or things to make sure you do. I mean things like smoking or even a kit to keep in the car etc. Thanks in advance

Hiya Spike

Everyone is different, but here's mine

No NSAIDS (ibuprofen, Advil, Diclofenic)
No Chinese food (MSG is a killer)
No smoking (but I still do!)
No alcohol
No red meat
No nuts, popcorn, sweetcorn

Lots of Paracetamol, Codeine, Entocort, Pentasa, Cyclizine, heat pads, rest and some more rest.
Plenty of knickers, bum cream, wipes, to take out with you.
Dioralyte, Ensure, water, bananas, Your gastro and GPs phone numbers,
All packed in a rucksack in the car!
Prevention rather than cure!
There are almost as many "Must Follow" life regimens as there are people with Crohn's, but I think the most universal piece of advice I can give you is TAKE YOUR MEDS. Don't mess around. I forget my doses frequently and that's when I get sick. Get a pill planner. If you have to, get one of those big square ones with like 50 compartments that old ladies use and carry it in your backpack/briefcase. Don't take your medication regimen lightly, as medication compliance (and for some, dietary compliance) is absolutely key to remaining in remission.

And drink LOTS of water.
Caffeine (soda, coffee, etc.) is another no-no for many. Boy, I miss my morning coffee.
Popcorn is my number one DONT. I love it, and indulge in it every once in awhile only when my boyfriend and I go to the movies. I make sure to chew it very well. I've never had any scrapping or issues like that. Just that it seems to hold a lot of air and makes me gassy. :( Pitty, since I love popcorn.
I absolutely agree Jessica! I have the same issue, I can occasionally indulge, but I will usually pay for it. But whats a movie without popcorn???
I absolutely agree Jessica! I have the same issue, I can occasionally indulge, but I will usually pay for it. But whats a movie without popcorn???

My thoughts exactly! But I try to be good and get the child's size. That way there is a bottom to my indulgence. :D
HI spike, i have had crohn's now for 21 years and in remission for 15 years but recently flared up again out of the blue. and now on preds and other meds to help with the inflammation. you are wondering about diet. well there is a plan at the bottom of this page there is link called Crohn's disease diet by Dr.Dahlman you can click on the link give them your email address for confirmation purposes and when you get the confirmation via email just click the link again confirming your email address and they will send you a pdf file(book) make sure you have adobe reader. if the link dosen't show it just click the arrow button it is there. best wishes

Hi Spike. I think everyone is different. I know for me, I can't eat things like lettuce or most fresh vegetables. Also, chewing gum seems to cause problems. One other thing that is important for me is to get enough sleep, although I think that is important for all conditions.
I indulged in a Chinese and a coke tonight!:eek: God I have missed coke and only stopped having it a month ago!!! Liked it too much. Hard to be good ALL the time though and have been really good till now :) def get into routine of taking meds. That is my difficulty. I'll get into soon though. Best of luck
Be sure and exercise whenever you are up to it, it can help keep symptoms at bay. A lot of healthy people don't even take the time to exercise so make sure that not going to exercise because you "don't feel good" means that you aren't going because you have the runs or are malnourished, etc. Don't refuse to exercise simply because you don't want to get up off the couch... That is one of my DOs for Crohn's.

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