What are your favorite protein bars?

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Cross-stitch gal

Dec 25, 2011
Vancouver, USA
I've been looking for a snack type bar with a little more protein in it. But, pretty much all the ones I find seem to have chocolate in them. So far, I'm eating the Odwalla ones from my nutrition dept at work. Do any of you eat protein bars and what types/brands do you eat? Thank you:)
I make my own:)!!!

If you have a food processor you can throw in some dates, peanut butter, a banana, coconut oil, coconut shavings, and hemp protein powder. Then spread evenly onto a cookie sheet and then throw in the freezer. I just cut out a piece and throw it back in the freezer. They are honestly so delicious, my family fights over them whenever I make them.

If you don't have a food processor, I can't really help you but I would try to stick to proteins with no caseinate or whey proteins. I don't shop for protein bars, but I'm sure there are some non chocolate plant based protein ones.

Good luck

I occasionally get Clif bars when I'm left with no other option; they're at least on board the NON-GMO bandwagon. However, I don't know if they offer chocolate free options, and they have quite alot of sugar.

Gianni, that sounds tasty! Gonna hafta try that pronto. It's kinda hard to find a good mixer to mask the hemp protein taste, but that sounds perfect.
I don't sorry. I always see some good looking flavors in the diabetic section at drug stores though and they don't all have chocolate.
Thanks Crabby:) I figured that nobody else probably knew. Really appreciated the ideas though! Unfortunately, while I was looking at the email I accidently clicked on needing extra support. Oh well...

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