What are your symptoms when you are not flaring

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Nov 21, 2012
I was just curious what sort of symptoms most people experience when they are not experiencing a flare? Do you still have pain, bloating, nausea, constipation, diarrhea? Or do you only experience those symptoms during a flare up?
I am not in a flare right now and I still get all my symptoms from time to time especially if I eat something that doesn't agree with me. I had a protein bar the other day and thought I was gonna die it hurt so bad... Bloating, diarrhea with mucus and abdominal pain.
D is daily, and at times pain, and bloating is common too. In a flare though, I bloat badly, like my stomach just can't distend any further, I feel a lot more pain, and D becomes a lot worse -runny, more frequent- within half hour after eating anything, even low residue. But daily mainly just D, and bloating.
Occasional diarrhea, sometimes I can see mucus in stool but very little and joint pain but that's likely from the osteoarthritis I have now. During a flare I have all of the "typical" Crohn's symptoms so what I deal with now is very minor.
I hate to post a question another question in the same thread out of fear it might be overlooked, but I was curious if after eating a "trigger food" if the next day you get fatigue and rapid heart rate, and if so how long does it last?
I just realized that this is the UC section, my response was for Crohn's sorry. What sort of symptoms do you have after eating a "trigger food?" If its diarrhea then I can definitely see you being tired the following day. As for the rapid heart rate, I'd want that looked at no matter what's causing it. I heave a heart condition myself on top of Crohn's along with other health problems and many others on the forum have also mentioned having other health problems so if you're having an issue with your heart I'd get that checked out to make sure there isn't something else going on as well. Your heart may be working overtime for a reason that may not be UC or symptom related.
i get bad rectal itch jock itch sometimes mucas pain in my belly button wind/gas joint pain constapation

I get some crampiness and soreness (internally), as well as rectal pain that fluctuates.
Always urgency,mostly in the morning,but not exclusively.Mild heartburn.Strange,mild,stabbing pains in stomach.I can't eat fibre from veggies,so juice instead.Greasy food doesn't agree with me and I steer clear of white bread as it bloats me.............Occassional constipation.Only one day makes me ill with headache,backache and bloat.Probably because I'm used to emptying persistantly.
I have D even when not flaring, but then, had a foot of colon removed so it has to do with that in addition to the Crohn's. Not EVERY day, but most days. But usually subsides early, sometimes lasts throughout the day.
I've had sores in my mouth for the past two weeks. I have noticed slight swelling of my cheeks and lower lip the past two days. I googled my symptoms and they go back to UC. Has anyone else experienced anything similar?