What causes Flare ups?

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Jan 27, 2010
I was wondering what causes flare ups? is it food, or getting sick (like having the flu) or just something that happens?

How do you know when a flair up is coming ( i know everyone is different)?
Wish I new what caused this flare...Ouch!!! :( I don't know if the Dr's know..Thats the problem with this disease. They don't know enough about it! Maybe someone will post something...Sue
For me, it's any kind of stress, good or bad. My gut can't tell the difference between "I owe the IRS 10 grand " stress as opposed to "Yay! I'm excited to go on vacation!" stress. Stupid gut!
Mountaingem said:
For me, it's any kind of stress, good or bad. My gut can't tell the difference between "I owe the IRS 10 grand " stress as opposed to "Yay! I'm excited to go on vacation!" stress. Stupid gut!
I swear that my lower ab-muscles and the guts clench up under stress. Some times I catch myself being caught up in something and once I get my head straighten out I feel the muscles unlock. I am very sure that is was the stress of a really hairy situation for six months prior to my diagnoses that pushed things over the edge. I probably would have coped much as I have previously with an undiagnosed IBS/IBD without it.

This is a simple explanation of how the inflammatory process works in a normal immune system.....Some how our immune systems are over reactive and actually damage healthy tissue....We don't know what the main trigger was that caused the initial disease....I am guessing that anything that disrupts our immune system could potentially trigger a flare.....In the diagram, after the normal immune response, the body heals. With autoimmune disorders, it does not seem to turn itself off.....Just my thoughts?
STREEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS! is always stress...my mum used to say when i was younger, without fail, i would flare up in april and october....just before exams and tests.....and yup, whenever something big is coming up, like mountaingem says, whether good or bad, like when i was due to come home from NZ, or even when i got home and adjusted back here, i flared up...exciting times, but stressful times..

....wouldnt be so bad if i had foods or something that triggered it, so could have a bit of control, but no....

....damn body and its individuality.......grr :)