Asking about surgery? Hey, asking about it is simple to answer.. you're just asking.
Posing a question to your doc about whether your condition is suitable for surgery, what the pros and cons are, what the long term expectations would be, can't hurt.
Now, once your docs answer those questions, the big question you'll have to answer is whether to go for it or not, and if yes, how soon. The answer to that is something only you can arrive at. What do I mean? For me, having an op wasn't an option so much as a necessity.. and it didn't cure me. I did get a nice restbit from the disease.. nearly 2 months normal life. However, it took a couple feet of colon... leaves me only 3 ft or less to play with... if I want to try to keep what I've got left in hope of a cure someday.. The other option is to take it all out, and go with pouch. I'm not prepared to do that yet.. So my personal plan is to play it cool and hope that, due to my age, I can milk what's left of my colon thru my remaining years,, But for a young fellow like you, don't think my plan would work, or even be a good fit for you... Or maybe you, like a lot of sensible people on here. aren't as closeminded to the idea of the pouch as an over the hill old fart like me is, okay?
Hope that helps...