What do you eat for Breakfast?

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Dec 6, 2011
I wanted to find out what everyone eats for breakfast. I am in a flare and getting worse right now.

Since the summer (when I got a really really rally bad flare) I have been unable to touch eggs and bananas. Since I am flaring I don't want to go high fiber so oatmeal is out also. I don't have time to cook a breakfast as I normally eat at work. Right now I usually eat a bagel with lox and cream cheese, but I want to start loosing weight.

What does everyone here eat? I would love to get some suggestions as I don't know what to do anymore.
breakfast is always my problem as I find most trad breakfast foods problematic - bread & milk, however instant porridge (not sure what the diff is to US oatmeal) with lactose free milk, that you do in the microwave (and therefore could do at work if one is there and colleagues don't mind the smell) is possible. Gather oats on an empty stomach can be beneficial for the system, so have been doing this workdays since new year and so far so good!
Oats (cooked for Chronies with inflamation) are great for providing soluble fibre, which is what we need, and also contain compounds that decrease the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. As Crinch says, you could use a microwave to cook either oatmeal or rolled oats - you will probably need to cook them longer than recommended and with more water/milk. You might be able to tolerate rice milk better than cows milk. Can you tolerate yoghurt? If so, that would be a good addition to the porridge.

The bagel probably isn't doing you much good as wheat could be increasing the inflamation.

For your health's sake, if you can't cook at work, you might be better getting up a little earlier so that you can have a suitable breakfast.
I appreciate everyone's response.

I used to eat oatmeal in the morning but it is hard for me to tolorate during a flare. Also, I don't find it filling enough so then I tend to overeat.

Susan2...I can't really tollerate yogurt. I have eaten it in the past but I think to much of it was starting to get to me. I have tried lactose free yogurt but it is nasty.
Coffee/ lots of 2% milk. I cant eat solids early in the morning and luckily I can tolerate coffee and milk!
Either a berry smoothie, or almond milk with healthforce green and earth powder. Gives some energy for the rest of the day. Dont really eat solids in the morning.
Usually rice krispies with soya milk and banana and apple or porridge made with soya milk with apple and banana .
I can never say enough good things about Greek (or Mediterranean style) yogurt - Insanely high in protein, insanely low in fat and the bonus to some of us: very low lactose!! Kinda an aquired taste in its own, but mix in a bit of honey and you're all set

I usually have a bowl of it 50/50 with cereal; It packs a lot of good calories in a small-ish serving

Or, if you prefer: Greek yogurt, fresh or frozen berries, a good dose Ensure or soy milk; Chuck it in a blender, and Viola! a fast, calorie packed power shake.

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