How many eosinphils and where?
Allergy testing ( IgE) and patch testing does not typically reveal what is causing the Eos.
EGID are mixed meaning IgE and non-IgE responses.
Here is link:
There is EoE ( esophagus ) EGE- stomach small intestine, EC - Colon
Typically 75% of children clear on a diet free of the top 8 allergens ( milk, wheat, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, fish, and shellfish).
Some need to go Elemental formula ( Neocate and Elecare are amino acid based - typically needed)
Once you have been on formula for 6-8 weeks then they rescope
If the scope is clean no Eos then you slowly trial in food 1-3 at a time until you have a complete diet back and can remove the elemental formula.
Some Eos are expected in the small intestine /colon etc... but if it made the biopsy report then he may have had EGID
Most GI do not specialize in EGID NAtional Jewish Hospital in Denver Co is good and so is CCHMC ( Cincinnati Center for Eosinophilic Disorders)
Here is a support group for Kids with EGID including EGE, EC, and EoE.
Let me know if I can help.