What is a flare up? :(

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Jul 19, 2013
Hi I'm still so confused .. I was just diagnosed with uc/proctitis , I have so many questions... I'm not sure what it means to have a flare up, or be in remission? Is remission when these systems totally go away? I went to the doctor because of blood in my stool since may 2013. Is 2 months a long time to have blood in my stool? I really don't have any other symptoms except having to go to the bathroom in the morning and at night it's usually more at night, and not stool.. just blood and mucus I have no pain ..... Is this what they call remission? Or is remission mean that all this goes away, and my bowels are normal again? Does this ever go away ?
I had a colonoscopy 3 weeks ago and it showed my rectum really inflamed with ulcers on it ..... Everything else was clear my report said uc not active in my intestines but proctitis in my rectum, uc was not to be ruled out ... The dr gave me meds but I been scared to take them, so I haven't started anything.... ......?....just not sure on what a flare up is or not ? If I'm even in one not?
Does the blood ever stop? It's not a lot but its there sometimes it's more than other times ....lots of mucus:( morning I go to bathroom about 2 or 3 times and at night about 4 or 5 times Blood and mucus .... But I don't go all day long.... Every once In awhile I will have what looks like a normal stool and I think.. is it back to normal ? But then that night it goes right back to the blood and mucus stuff..... Help!!!
A flare up is when your Crohns is active... Its when you are having problems with your Crohns. Hi, I have had Crohns for 10 yrs. Being remission is the opposite its when you are not having problems to whatever you have... What medications did your Dr put you on??? See I'm strange but when I am going to the bathroom like 10 times or more sometimes I see blood and sometimes when I go I don't see the blood.. I hope this helped you! Good Luck!
Thank you for explaining things to me ... So I must be in a flare up now since I'm having the blood and mucus I'm mornings and at night ;( And when the flare is away I will go back to the normal way of moving my bowels??..... The doctor put me on
SULFAZINE 500mg 2 twice a day
FOLIC ACID 1mg once a day
Have you heard of these?
I been reading other post and didn't see anyone who was prescribed the sulfazine?
I haven't started the meds because I was scared to take them;(
It take time for the flare to go down. I't having a flare right now..I have heard of those medications... I don't like trying new medications myself. U don't know how u are going to react to them. I can't find a medication that helps control my Crohns. I have no clue what my Dr is going to do with me.

If you have persistant bleeding your GI should be doing more than giving you some weak meds.... you inflammation must be off the chart and the sulfa meds should be 4x the dose you have and what is this Folic acid crap? You need a real GI and soon!:hallo3::hallo3:
Sulfasalazine is used for ulcerative colitis and can cause a folic acid deficiency. That's why your doctor prescribed the folic acid with the Sulfasalazine.

My rheumatologist uses it to control the joint pain I was having. I take 2000 mg a day but had to work up to that - adding 500 mg every 5 days. It can be a bit hard on the digestive system when starting but I take it before I eat and don't have any side effects such as nausea.

Are you seeing a GI or was it your family doctor that prescribed the medication?