What is humira

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Jul 9, 2012
Hiya all, long time since I've been on as I've had such a terrible time.

I'm just wondering I've been told I may have to go on humira because of my fistulating disease. The gastro seems to think it will help with the fistulas that have been found.

He also did mention. Another one that you have via the drip in hospital but I didn't catch the name,

I was just wondering what peoples experience with humira has been and has it been effective also whether thyve been any side effects
Hi and welcome back! Sorry to hear you aren't doing so well. :(

When you typed out Humira you tagged the wiki page here: http://www.crohnsforum.com/wiki/Humira. The other medication you speak of is Remicade (click the hyper link to go to the forum's wiki on it).

I started taking Humira just over 2 months ago and have noticed less frequent bowel movements which are mostly formed now. I've never had any fistulas so hopefully someone else will have some info in that department.

I was given a choice between Humira or Remicade and I opted for the Humira simply because I didn't want to go in for an infusion. I'll save that one for last but that's just me. Keep us posted on how you're doing and what you decide. :)

Edit: Forgot to mention that the only side effect I have from it is a small itchy red welt at the injection site the day after my injection. Benadryll clears it right up though. Most mild side effect I've ever had. :p
Thankyou for our reply.....

Yes ive been Mia for a few months after some complications post total proctocolectomy.

I have my MRI on fri of this week then my follow up appointment with gastro on Tuesday so I'll be happy to keep updated.

I must admit I felt the same with the infusions.

Thankyou again

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