What is remission?

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Jul 16, 2010
I have had Crohn's for six months. I take 4 Lialda pills a day. Most days, I have 3 bm's that are very soft, but not diarrhea. I have no pain or fatigue or any other symptom. Since my stools are loose and I occasionally have up to 4 bms a day, my doctor keeps pushing steroids, but sometimes I only use the bathroom twice a day and I never have blood. I read a lot of posts from people who have been in remission for years. Does that mean you go less than three times a day and stool is very solid? I just don't know what determines remission. Thanks, Tina
Remission means you have no symptoms of Crohns. I don't know what your pattern was like before your Crohns but it doesn't sound like you are having much of an issue now. 3 or 4 movements a day is still a little much, and perhaps you aren't totally in remission yet. Maybe you feel a lot better than you did because you were so miserable that you think your in remission even when you're not.

I would listen to your doc. Steroids suck but I am guessing he is not pushing them for the fun of it. You would probably improve even more.
could it be Lialda

Thanks for the reply, rose city. My Crohn's hit very suddenly this year at age 48. and I had always been one of those lucky people with no stomach issues. Before the disease I usually had a couple of firm stools a day. I had a Ct scan with dye three months ago that showed no signs of Crohn's, but I don't know if it always shows up on CT. I did see online that some people have loose stool as a side effect of Lialda, but I'm afraid to stop taking it. I've already gained 35 pounds in the six months since my diagnosis, so I really don't want to go on steroids. I can see that this disease will leave me with a lot of hard decisions.
That's a great question. I think for me it is more regular and solid bowel movements. Although I can have a day or 2 when I get diarrhea. It is usually me out of my routine and forgetting my meds.
Lately I have been stressed and I was overly tired. I started getting pains in my stomach and was constipated. ( I just slept for about 14 hours, bought some Beano and did soem relaxing things.) The humid weather does not help either. it is easy to get dehydrated.
My Crohns was triggered by an intense period of stress. I lost my job and then a year later my nephew drown. I helped rasie him and he was my sisters son. My sister and I are very close as is the rest of my family. then 1 year after that I got evicted. it wasn't until a friend of mine died that I decided to get very aggressive about my symptoms. My Gp at that time was treating me for IBS and anxiety. ( Thank God she retired)
I am so grateful. I would have never found out I had Crohns if it weren't for those stressful times. It was sitting unnoticed and untreated. I was able to change my lifestyle and get healthy. Altough I still have to deal with a lot of emotional trauma that I went through. Not sure what to do there.
Yep have to agree I think remission is when you are no longer experiencing crohns symptoms and things seem to have settled down, but in saying that I also believe that you can be in remission and still have little episodes every now and then depending on lifestyle etc. As long as the episodes don't turn into anything more and clear up within a few days by themselves then all is good. I know I have tech. been in remission for 5 months but still have the odd couple of days where I get the big D or have other issues but it generally clears up quickly and then I go on living life again.
I hope you find remission soon. xxx

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