Symptoms very from person to person with varying levels of severity. Take a moment and think about the single biggest pain caused by your Crohn's. Feel free to vent!
The worst physical pain was a perianal abscess I had and having it drained at the bedside the doctor did give the option of having it done in the OR. Before that it was spasms caused by my anal fissure.
Psychologically it is chronic nature of the disease and that even with proper treatment one will still have symptoms and reoccurances. After 10+ years I think my family is finally beginning to understand that it's not just a matter or having surgery or finding the right doctor and just fixing it.
Does the lack of understanding from family and friends count?
I love when the doctors are like "you need to avoid stress."Absolutely! Lack of understanding along with mixes of sympathy and confusion of friends and family can cause stress which is the very thing we should be avoiding.
Gonna have to agree with the unpredictability. I've developed such a reputation for being a flake amongst my friends. My good friends get it, but others are like "You felt fine three hours ago when we made these plans!" Yeah, three hours ago is like three years in Crohn's time, okay?![]()
Absolutely. I get nervous booking a holiday, how can I know how I will feel on that day, at that time, in 2 months time when I don't know how I will be feeling in 3 hours!
I guess I am not the only one?
Nope, not alone on that. On one hand it seems so pointless planning a nice, NORMAL vacation... on the other hand what if it works out? And I think it's safe to say ppl dealing with Crohns NEED to take that time to relax.
It's just a really ****** circle of what if's? :thumbdown:
Does anyone know what happens if I stop taking humira all of the sudden? like for a few days(5-11)? I was soooooo sure i had one more refill but apparently i didn't. I need to reapply for it and it will take 2 weeks or maybe 3. My next shot is in 8 days. I am so nervous