My little girl has had tummy aches for a few years now. Not regularly, and she's has constipation at times. I try not to stress that it could be ibd, and with fish oil and fiber, her tummy aches usually went away. Recently she seems unwell. Not only does she complain about not feeling well, but some mornings, she's pale as can be, and looks unwell. She had a set of blood tests last year, and nothing other then her white blood cells slightly elevated I think, and the go told me that can even happen during a cold. More and more often she's unwell though...sometimes morning, sometimes night, and classic to crohns, sometimes for short periods- then her tummy settles. I don't want to think worst case, that I have crohns so it may be the beginning stages of it, but I want to make sure. I'll ask for a referal to a pediatrician, but for kids at the age of 8...what tests can be done???