What kind of tests souls I ask for,for an 8y old?

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Mar 3, 2012
My little girl has had tummy aches for a few years now. Not regularly, and she's has constipation at times. I try not to stress that it could be ibd, and with fish oil and fiber, her tummy aches usually went away. Recently she seems unwell. Not only does she complain about not feeling well, but some mornings, she's pale as can be, and looks unwell. She had a set of blood tests last year, and nothing other then her white blood cells slightly elevated I think, and the go told me that can even happen during a cold. More and more often she's unwell though...sometimes morning, sometimes night, and classic to crohns, sometimes for short periods- then her tummy settles. I don't want to think worst case, that I have crohns so it may be the beginning stages of it, but I want to make sure. I'll ask for a referal to a pediatrician, but for kids at the age of 8...what tests can be done???
Hi Irene

I would go for feacal calprotectin, this test is painless. Sarah has had this test, my gp had not heard of it but looked up and ordered it for me. The test is for me, not Sarah.

Under clinical notes: it says daughter with crohns disease.

The test cost me $40 it is not covered by Medicare.

There are blood test too, but Dusty is better and naming them.
Thanks Catherine, I'll be asking for it, and Dusty will no doubt add the blood tests to ask for. Crp-and b12 iron...but my bloods didn't show crohns which is partly why I was undiagnosed for a long time. Only when I had obstructions did it show up on X-ray in emergency. But I'm guessing a barium follow through is out of the question unless necessary? Id feel good about her having one, but I can't imagine they'd want to unless it is crohns for sure.
Sarah's didnot show up in blood test either but looking back she had anemia due to low iron which did not response to iron tablets.

She also had ultrasound of the stomach area, 6 months prior to dx which would have shown something if the test had been read properly by the GP.
Awww not good!!! This is why I want a referal to a pedi gi so soon. I had several gp's not take me serious, and I can't sit through that with Jasi if she continues to feel unwell and have stomach aches. I'd rather know for sure there's nothing wrong, and if there is, the earlier the better. Hope sarahs doing a lot better. I just wread in another post a little about her. And thanks for the feedback xo
Sarah is much better, its amazing. I didnot think she back to school at the start of the year, now she in the middle of her 11 year exams and been at school almost every day this term.

Can your GI advise who to get a referral to? Eg the one take their child to.
Im so sorry your little one is poorly and am hoping you get some answers soon, how long will it take for your referral? xx
Thanks Suzy
And Catherine...that's a great idea!!! I'm going to call him before I take her to the gp on Monday. And that's great about Sarah! Hope it stays that way!! :)
Oh and I'll post how long, but I guess a month or two for the first gi appointment. Depending on who my gi will suggest I guest. :)
Hey Irene3,

I'm sorry to hear that your girl is having problems...:hug:

I would also recommend what Catherine has, faecal calprotectin and also the gauntlet of blood tests...

FBC (Full Blood Count)
LFT's (Liver Function Tests)
UEC's (Urea, Creatinine, Electrolytes)
Iron Stores
Vit D

Does she have any Extra Intestional Manifestations (EIM's)?

Does she have any weight loss or failure to thrive/grow?

Are you tracking her symptoms? If not have a look at the suggestions in the wiki...


My daughter always had negative tests too including blood and imaging. This is an extract from the IBD unit at the Sydney Children's Hospital so if you are being fobbed off by your doctor and you know full well that things aren't right then perhaps point this out...

None of these tests will be altered in all people with IBD. Commonly in children with Crohn's, there may be a low blood count, low iron, low albumin, high platelet count, high ESR and high CRP. Other people can have just one or two changes present. However, for some children all these tests will be normal even when their IBD is active.


If this does occur, blood tests negative, maybe you could move onto one of the less invasive imaging tests like an ultrasound. The fact that she has a tendency toward constipation they could target her ileum/terminal ileum.

To be honest, if worst comes to worst and nothing is showing but her symptoms persist then in view of your history I don't think it would be unreasonable to request that scoping be done.

Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
Thanks heaps Dusty!! I wouldn't of thought of LFT and UFC. I looked at the Sydney childrens gastro website earlier, looks great. They diagnose 40 kids with crohns every year. We're an hour from Melbourne, so hopefully there are good pedi gi's here too.
I Havnt tracked her symptoms, just asking her lots, but I will. And hopefully its all just slow digestion with her irregular bowels, but when I see her in pain, and saying I don't feel well mummy, in tears, as you would know, it's heart breaking. And if need be, then if barium isn't an option, and it's ongoing, then I will ask for a scope.
Thanks again!!! xoxo
Geelong. I know there's pediatrititans, but maybe only pedi gi's in melb. That's ok though. See what my gi says. Are you from vic too?
Can't help, we go to a adult gi at Dandenong as Sarah was 16 at referral. Interestly our gi told us want local hospitals to use in emergency.
Sorry no new advice.
You've been given some great advice already.
I hope you get some answers soon.
Such a shame when they have to suffer.
