What makes life great for you?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 22, 2011
What is it that makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning, even when Crohn's makes you feel physically or emotionally unwell?

Sometimes its hard to focus on the positive when your health is failing, so I wanted to start a thread to encourage everyone to share the things that make life great :)

For me, it's the things I have now, like my family and my close friends, and going to a job every day to be with people that make me laugh. It's being outdoors and enjoying fresh air on a beautiful day, or reading or even just spending time alone thinking how lucky I am to have all the things I do have, like a comfortable home and people who love me, and opportunities in life to do pretty much what I want.

For the future, it's dreaming about travel and clinging onto the possibility of living and working abroad, about getting married one day and having kids and owning a dog!

What makes you love your life in spite of Crohn's?
Being able to go to work every day believe it or not! I'm always frightened there will come a day.........and I'd not be able to go to work. I'm one of those that needs to be contributing.

And having my lovely Freya. She keeps me sane! She cuddles and loves her walks, and is always amusing! I love dogs! (all dogs...not just terriers!)
For me: little things.

a walk around the park and sitting on a bench in the morning sun
a good cup of coffee
moaning with my dad about tottenham hotspur football club
a really good book - for me, maybe something by neil gaiman or terry pratchett

Oh, the best one of all:
doing something outside ME. Fixing my parent's PC etc. Always leaves me feeling better...
What gets me out of bed everyday? My small puppy jumping on my face because he needs to go outside for his morning potty LOL
The mail and my 2 daily Facebook games. Sad but true, can't do much these days! Volunteer work (home based) comes in dribs and drabs; been weeks since I had anything to do. Lily my lovely cat helps :ghug:
Aw guys I wish I had a cat or a dog - I'm allergic to cats :( and my parents wont get a dog! I'd love one so much though :)
We have a non shedding (hypo allergenic) dog because my fiance is allergic to dogs as well. She has no problems whatsoever with him, and he's the cutest dog you'll ever see! Lol
Warm sun on my skin.

Hugs from my daughter and husband.

Hiking in the forrest.

Waking up in bed with my husband. Lilly wandering into our room and hanging out.

My morning coffee.

Helping new moms on the breastfeeding hotline. That always feels great.

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