Hi Erinranea
I'm not sure what the answer is but I'd love to know it!
I have heard others mention that there seems to be a connection with allergies/hayfever but I don't recall any solutions.
If it's just symptoms, you can treat the symptoms 'mostly' as you would if she didn't have crohns
- eat rice if she has diarrhea
- add fibre (if she can tolerate it) if she has constipation (also, many parents use OTC meds for constipation as well)
- if she's feeling nauseated or is having a tough time with food in general, try a low residue/fibre diet, which is easier to digest. Also, I've read of others using the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast) for a day or so, only because it is also easy to digest.
- another easy to digest option are nutritional shakes - Boost, Ensure, etc. Will provide her with some nutrition while allowing her to skip some meals (be sure if she's skipping meals over a day or so, she is receiving sufficient calories).
I know these are very 'generic' type tips and are really just addressing the symptoms
, but other than the conventional flare treatments (steroids, increasing meds, etc.), I don't have any other surefire ideas.