What soup can/can't you eat?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 4, 2012
Hey forum,

Since many diets recommend to avoid raw veggies and leafs and skins and fiber, what about some of these in a creamy (no chunks) soup form?

such as:
pea soup
lentil soup
tomato soup
bean soup

Also, if they are chunky soups, have you noticed any issues with those - since the veggies are softened?

When looking at soups, they have far less fiber than when eaten in its natural form. So wouldn't digestion be easier in this case?
Food for thought, as they say :)
In my case, I would have to decline all of the soups on offer despite how tasty they seem. Tomatoes seem to give me shocking reflux & all the others are just too 'windy'. I have been trying to follow the Low FODMAP diet as it's giving me some relief from unpleasant & uncomfortable symptoms
I do make pumpkin soup (with an onion & garlic free stock), also a zucchini & fennel soup. The thing I've found helpful is to look at favourite recipes which may no longer be fun to eat & see how you may be able to modify them to suit.
I am not sure about the others but tomato soup made me very sick in a flare because of the high acid content (anything acidic made me sick) I liked eating creamy soups but I have always handled dairy ok..
All premade soups kill me. Don't know why so never go near tinned ones. A nice home made minestrone is something else though.
I love tomato saffron soup, but it is almost guaranteed to end up with me in the restroom for an extended visit. I try and avoid any with high fiber content also - anything with large amounts of celery or particularly tough-to-digest vegetables.
I keep away from anything containing barley as it seems to play my stomach up

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