What to do? Humira or Cimzia?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 6, 2016
Thanks for reading. I've had crohns for a long time. I was diagnosed when I was 11, in 1982. Resection in 1994 and 2004. I'm 44 now.

I've been on Remicade for a little over a year with pretty good success. The cost, even with insurance, is really starting to kill me. I told my doctor and he recommended either Humira or Cimzia. He was indifferent as to which one I chose. He suggested I call my HI and see what costs would be. He gave me two brochures which dont tell me much. I've never been on either medication.

I've searched and read some threads, including the Humira and Cimiza groups threads. But wondered if anyone had any specific thoughts. Thanks.
I have only been on Humira for two months and don't know how effective it will be. I have only had to psy 5 dollars with a card I got from Humira. Cimzia has been the most affective but it wore out.
Another voice to the keep what's working crowd. If the cost is too much call Remistart and get on patient assistance.

Remicade is *typically* covered in the US through our medical benefit, so if you have a big deductible and big coinsurance % it can be quite a bit out of pocket. Remistart will typically cover all of that.