What to eat while on Prednisolone

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Nov 1, 2013
Paisley, Scotland
I'm currently back on 8 week course of Prednisolone and the hunger I'm getting is unbelieveable. I'm wondering if anyone could recommend some healthy meals that I could eat to keep me full (and is also good for the Crohns) and stuff to snack on esepcially in the evenings as thats when I seem to be most hungry.
When I was on prednisone recently I found that a low-carb, high protein diet, along with exercise helped me gain minimal weight. I also was juicing and that helped a ton. Just to give you an idea of how well it worked, the first time I was on pred I gained nearly 20lbs. I ate a lot of carbs and gave into whatever my body wanted food-wise. This past time I stuck with a paleo-ish diet, lots of lean meats (chicken, fish, etc.) and lots of veggies. They kept me full. Also, when I would wake up in the middle of the night, I would keep a protein shake next to my bed so that I wouldn't go hunting in the fridge. I only gained 5lbs this past time around. :) Good luck!
I make a healthy, clean-eating turkey meatloaf for protein. I make a few of them and freeze them. that way if I don't have the energy to cook at some point, I can just pop them in the microwave and thaw them out: http://cleananddelicious.com/2009/08/03/mini_turkey_meatloaf/

Mashed potatoes is a good thing too. No matter what meds you are on, think soft and bland when you are choosing what to eat during a flare.

I also boil chicken breasts, shred them up and make soft tacos out of them with avocado, cilantro and greek yogurt.

Greek yogurt is my favorite source of protein for flaring. So is salmon.

If I absolutely cannot tolerate solids or I simply want to make sure I am getting as balanced of a diet as I possibly can, I juice fruits/veggies or blend smoothies.

These are all pretty healthy options I use when on steroids.

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