What to pack for the hospital

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Mar 5, 2010
What to pack for the hospital...ideas?

Since I've been in a flare for awhile recently, I have been thinking a lot about this. I know so many of you have unfortunately been in and out of the hospital sometimes with long stays.

So what would you say is essential to bring or not bring with you to the hospital? Anything you wish you had brought that would have helped to have?

One thing I bought to make any hospital stay a little better was a "designer" hospital gown and matching rode, monogrammed with my last name. Got them here... http://www.dearjohnnies.com/shop/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=3 Anything will be better than those nasty gowns that are twenty sizes too big.
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if youre going to be there awhile i took my laptop along with me. and someone to wash your back becuase its hard to shower with an iv in!
I was in and out of the hospital at least ten times last year, so we just kept a bag packed.

They have tooth brushes, paste, combs and soap there, but bring your own if you are picky.

Here is my list of must haves:
-tweezers (doesn't sound important, but when I was there several days and my eyebrows started growing in, it would drive me crazy if I forgot these!)
-razor (not that you will probably want to shave while you are there, but just in case)
-a book or magazine
-several pairs of extra undies
-shower shoes
-your phone and charger
-pencil and paper (or laptop if you have one)
-PJ bottoms
-When I had my ostomy, I pre-packed supplies in freezer bags, but obviously that wont apply to everyone

Hope that helps!
I also wished I'd bought something to drink, as they gave you a water jug, but anything else you had to buy (and the drinks/snack trolley didn't always visit the ward I was on, because so many were nil by mouth). So something you could mix in the water to make it taste nicer would be good.
I took my sound machine. The staff would drop in to listen to the ocean. It helps drown out all of beeps and bangs!

Mints or hard candies, bottom cream, face care items, mani/pedi kit, and a blanket or throw.
EAR PLUGS! Can't stress that one enough lol.
Wet wipes
Air freshener
You're own toilet paper if you find the hospital stuff too rough
Something to snack on - packs of plain biscuits and/or crackers are good if you're on low res.
I had a portable dvd player and movies...that made the time go by much faster and I didn't have to pay for the tv there :) I also had my netbook and toiletries from home. I was in the hospital for 24 days so had alot of stuff by the time I got out of there....in the end I even had a small Christmas tree (I was in over Christmas...lol)...bring whatever they'll let you get away with!
I brought pajama pants and tshirts. I was there for 14 days and only would wear the gown for a couple days after the actual surgery. More normal clothes made me feel so much more normal. A puzzle was good too.
aside from essentials (tooth brush, underwear etc), I bring my laptop, massive headphones, extra cigarettes.
Ear plugs and eye mask!!!

Good toilet paper.

Plenty to read and a laptop with aircard. Memorize your credit card number so you can go shopping on line!!!

Cell phone and charger.

I hope you never need this list!!

- Amy
PS Ditto on the tweezers (and a small mirror) for women! I told my sister to pluck my eyebrows if I was ever in a coma!
PS Does anyone know of a site that sell hospital PJs? There are lots that sell gowns, but I want PJ separates that snap on the shoulders.
Toenail clippers and cash to pay someone to do them for you!!! Food, never heard of good food in the hospital everyday. Not to be done at the same time! LOL!

Seriously, a full list of all items to take with you, or suggestions would be good for the list to have on it wouldn't it? Maybe with it's own special place. So many of us on here have hospital experience, and there are alot that dont. What say you moderators to a hospital list of items link for folks?
I mostly keep a bag packed when I am in flare.
A few pairs of undies, a soft blanket (which is my special "sick person" blanket. We use it whenever anyone in the house is ill...), a notebook and three or four pens.
I also keep spare chargers for my phone and my Nintendo DS in there.
The rest of what I bring tends to be used around the house too often to keep it packed, like my DS, the cell phone and my laptop, not to mention three extra pillows.
Don't forget chargers for the various electronic items as they get a lot of use and run out quickly.My MP3 player was a life saver as i used it to get to sleep at night - it blocked the ward noises out really well. I made a special getting to sleep playlist for this purpose.

I also took antimicrobial wipes..big ones to wash the bath out before I used it. I hate showers but have to clean the bath in hospitals before i use it. On 2 occasions I have had a nice ensuite bath...was fab.

I have a shorty dressing gown rather than a long one.This has a dual purpose...wearing and putting over my head at bed time to keep out the lights
outside of the obvious already mentioned here, I suggest a warm robe and slippers. I don't know what I would have done without my fleece lined flannel robe this past week.

Hi all:

Thanks for putting this list together. Hope I'll never need it (I recognize that wish maybe isn't very practical!).

Here's my question. My family lives far from my city. When the clothes that you've packed are all used up (read: the unmentionables that for obvious Crohn's reasons you don't want to send home with friends) ...is there a place in most hospitals to do laundry, or should I bring laundry soap and Lysol wipes to clean out the sink before and after?

Thanks for info!
I would add chapstick or lip balm to the list.

Dang, we'll all need a steamer trunk on our next hospital visit!!
Awesome, thank you so much for the ideas! I really REALLY hope I never need it but it certainly doesn't hurt to be mentally prepared. Hope it helps others as well.
Stuff to wash with! Like a towel, soap etc.

I only wore make up for one day because I felt too ill to do anything more than wash myself after that.


Also, I stopped wearing my own pjs and started asking for the standard issue nightgown that the hospital provided. This was because they are a lot more comfortable than the hospital gowns as well as a little more less revealing! Plus I was sweating loads every night and they'd always give me a clean gown on every day. Saved having to worry about how much my pjs were beginning to smell! I don't know what the male equivalent was.