S was in grade 11 when he was diagnosed. He told anyone who asked that he had crohns. He was off school quite a bit at dx and, when he returned, was on exclusive EN (no foods), so pretty apparent his diet had changed. He was often asked why he couldn't eat and just told them he had crohns which meant his immune system attacked his intestines and made him sick. The reactions he received were, almost always, concern and support ; if it wasn't concern/support, it was an indifferent/non-event type response (ie 'oh, okay. Just wondered...').
When he moved to university and had new roommates, he didn't go out of his way to 'announce' he had crohns, however, he didn't avoid it either. As he still drinks Boost shakes every day and avoids certain things (ie seeds), when asked 'why', he again just gave the same answer.
If he's asked what crohns is, his explanation is that his immune system attacks his intestines and causes inflammation and that, when that happens, he can get really sick. If asked for more 'details', he's explains it's like having a really bad stomach flu but with pain and other complications and that it can get so bad that surgery might even be necessasry one day. Fairly basic

, but, I think by openly offering this info and that he talks about it very matter-of-factly, it takes away any mystery or impression that he's hiding something.
Also, what's really surprised us, is once he offers this info, how many people have shared that either they or a family member/friend of theirs has crohns/UC.
In our experience, S being open about crohns has not had any negative impact.
But, regardless of S's experience, I don't think anyone should feel that they are obligated to share anything they aren't comfortable with. There's nothing wrong with simply saying that she's developed sensitivities to certain foods and while medication will help control the illness, there will be times that she'll still not feel well. We know crohns/UC isn't a 'food' issue but, for the most part, teenagers will just be satisfied with an explanation.