What type of sugar can you eat?

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Apr 7, 2010
I have reached a "painful" reality that food that has a high sugar amount gives me bad gas and the big D! If I make something with honey I do much better. What type of sugar can you tolerate & do you have a link to any recipes?
Thanks, Woops!
I eat very little sugar. It doesn't cause me GI distress but I want to create the best environment in my GI tract to foster beneficial bacteria and sugar promotes the unbeneficial yeast and bacteria. I eat fruits and dark chocolate(80% or high) which is where I get most of my sugar. Occasionally I'll drizzle some honey on my yogurt but it's not more than a tablespoon. Once you cut sugar out of your diet your taste buds will gradually adjust to where refined sugar is so nauseously sweet it feels like you have been kicked in the teeth. I would suggest trying fruit based recipes like baked pears or apples. Grilled pineapple is also yummy-the grilling caramelizes the natural sugar in the pineapple. You can add lime juice, cinnamon or drizzle with honey. If you have strictures I would be careful of the nuts in the recipes below and not eat too much pineapple(which can be high in fiber).

Couple your sugar with fiber to reduce symptoms, try psyllium husks.

Avoid high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners.

Maple syrup for some reason gives me the worst gas. All sugar gives some gas but maple syrup was on another level.
I can tolerate glucose quite well, lived on that for months, as it's the sugar that's in Elemental028 (similar to Ensure, Fresubin etc.). I haven't eaten glucose since, as I'm just not craving any sweet food at all, but if yes, I would bake or sweeten with glucose in moderation. It is absorbed in the upper small intestine and does not need to be broken down, furthermore it does not seem to lead to SIBO or other dysbiosis issues.
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