What types of pasta/noodle are usually okay?

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Mar 19, 2011
I've been advised that "white pasta" and "refined color pasta" are okay to try.

Thing is, I don't know how to tell if the pastas are white or refined??!!

Can someone please explain on how to tell if they're white/refined?

Haven't noticed these on the labels anywhere??

So what noodles are okay to try?

...Also don't know if there's a difference between noodles and pasta//

-Hoping to go out and find some tonight if I can get answers in time

Thank you
"White pasta" is just regular old pasta made of durham wheat. That's what would be considered 'refined' pasta, as opposed to whole wheat pasta which would not be refined. Regular 'white' pasta is kinda more gold looking and doesn't come with any labels. It's the whole wheat pasta (usually a tad more expensive) is labelled.

Noodles vs. pasta: most of the Asian based noodles are noodles and never pasta. I eat a lot of rice-based noodles.

Whereas, spaghetti, rigatoni, penne etc. seem to be used interchangeably as either noodles or pasta.

Don't know if I got these answers to you on time!

Happy eating/exploring!

No problem, Zac! I know how hard it is to have to redefine the way we eat and figure out new/different foods!


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