What Vitamins are Beneficial to Crohnies?

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Aug 20, 2011
I am looking for a Vitamin to take once daily to help with my Crohns, Which vitamins have you tried and are now a staple?
Theresa :ybiggrin:

there's so many threads on the multimedia section, A and D are antibacterial, C and E are antioxidants that limit ROS damage and are precursors, B complex is important for the immune system and shortages will lead to anemia

all ~
fodent have your GP or GI test your vitamin levels through blood work to see if you're low or deficient in anything. This will help make sure you're supplementing the right ones YOUR body needs and the right amount. Have it retested a month after you begin supplementing to see if the dose is too large or little. :)
Well as long as it's clear that vitamins will NOT treat Crohn's but are often important to supplement Crohn's related deficiencies, the most common deficiencies needing supplemented are B-12 (!!!!), Iron, Folic Acid (usually if you take methotrexate)

That said, Crabby is right that you shouldn't bother unless a blood test confirms a deficiency. Otherwise, it's pointless to supplement.
Meds during remission

fodent have your GP or GI test your vitamin levels through blood work to see if you're low or deficient in anything. This will help make sure you're supplementing the right ones YOUR body needs and the right amount. Have it retested a month after you begin supplementing to see if the dose is too large or little. :)

Crabby - reading your profile. Were you taking Crohns meds during your remission? What tests determine remission?
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there's so many threads on the multimedia section, A and D are antibacterial, C and E are antioxidants that limit ROS damage and are precursors, B complex is important for the immune system and shortages will lead to anemia

all ~

Kiny: what is meant by C and E "are precursors?" Thanks!
Kiny: what is meant by C and E "are precursors?" Thanks!

Micronutrients can act as cofactors and precursors, they're elements that are used as a catalyst or as a component in a reaction that leads to another component.

An example is glutathione, it uses cysteine, glutamate and glycine, but it uses B2 amongst others as a cofactor, if you lack B2 or any of the other cofactors and precursors your body can't complete the reaction that leads to glutathione.

They're building blocks.
Where does one acquire such a level of nutritional knowledge? It all overwhelms me.
Thank you for the breakdown and the explanation. I'm preparing my long list of notes before visiting my new GI today. Hope she knows something about supplements. :) Thanks again!
Crabby - reading your profile. Were you taking Crohns meds during your remission? What tests determine remission?

Yes I was on 6MP and Asacol for many years then a few years ago was taken off Asacol so I was only on 6MP until recently. Had to stop the 6MP because it started affecting my liver and tried out Humira (yes while still in remission) but that didn't work out so now I'm waiting to start Remicade (yes, still in remission). remission means that the disease is not active but there's also clinical remission which means you have some minor symptoms but its under control. Clinical remission (and remission and flares) is measured by the Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI). Right now I'm sliding into clinical remission which means I'm having some minor symptoms. Once the medication gets figured out then I should swing right back into remission. My GI generally does a colonoscopy, barium x-ray and checks my blood (especially CRP) once a month (scopes and other tests are done every couple of years). If tests are clear or there's a low CRP (normal is as close to 0 as possible but some labs say between 0-4) and you have little to no symptoms (there's nothing inside that's causing problems like inflammation creating a narrowing or causing other problems) then you're likely in remission.

Edit: I'd also like to add that people can have few to no symptoms for a few days to a few weeks and think they go back and forth between flare and remission when its more likely that they were never in remission. Many people do have few symptoms so its important to have proper testing done to confirm remission. There are multiple tests out there so some people may have better luck with other tests besides the ones I normally have done such as an MRI, MRE, CT scan, Pill Cam etc.

I don't generally go off all meds though at anytime because when I did that twice in the past it had some very bad consequences (real bad flare the first time that took over a year to get under control, then another bad flare the second time which led to surgery). I've taken many meds over the years and am now in the "big gun" range as past meds no longer work for me. These meds aren't just for when you're in a bad flare but are also used to maintain remission.

I don't know if the bottom up or top down approach is better but in my mind the top down approach makes sense so you can get the condition under control as quickly as possible and hopefully stay in remission that way for a long time rather than the route I had to take because these meds weren't around in the past and run out of options when you've tried all meds and your only option left is surgery.
Crabby: I'm hoping you can get right back into remission. You have done so well. there is a lot to learn here. As of yesterday. they are still trying to determine if it's Crohns - tests are conflicting. Im going back on the Entocort steroids for 3 months - I didn't take them long enough first round - and at the end of 3 months, another battery of tests including the Prometheus genetic test for Crohns. My medical history includes lengthy use of aspirin and antibiotics for migraines and rosacea and chronic constipation which is thought may have contributed to the mucosal lining being compromised. I'm fairly sure it's going to be Crohns.....although my smptoms are a little different than most. I'm scared of the "big guns" although what you are saying makes sense. I'm 62 and have been dealing with IBS gastric issues for 40 years ending up recently with my first surgery. Other than sore skin!!! (???) from the abd surgery, I'm having no symptoms. I've taken steps to change my diet and researching this disease meanwhile. I have a relative whose been on Pentasa for 15 years and is doing well so I'm hoping it does well for me...if it's Crohns. If it is not, it has taught me to have a great appreciation for sufferers of this miserable disease. I'd like to see a bigger Cure for Crohns movement. Most people think of it as just people with diarrhea without realizing the level of suffering this group experiences daily.
Emily and Crabby both hit it on the head - vitamins are of no value unless you are found to have a deficiency. That said, if you know what regions your Crohns is most active, you can determine what is generally absorbed in those regions for an approximation. As noted above, there are also general issues that can occur (iron deficiency, calcium deficiency, etc) as a result of unintentional diet exclusions with Crohns. A registered nutritionist who specializes in IBD may be able to help address deficiencies with diet, then use vitamins for areas that aren't easy to address when balancing dietary needs and symptom abatement.

The NY Times did a summary article on general vitamin intake that was decent a couple years back: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/17/health/17well.html?ref=science . The article does not apply to those with disease-related deficiencies, but it does to those who have no deficiencies with their IBD. Best of luck!
Vitamin D-3, and the B vitamins. Most important mineral for everyone in general is Magnesium because most people are deficient, and it is required by every cell in your body.

Of course any vitamin you are seriously low on is the most important for you in particular.

I would also add Magnesium and Amino's L-glutamine of course but also a good full spec amino....also you can search here for all the fresh juice ideas!!! <-----best way to get vitamins!

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