What's a flare up???

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Sep 30, 2011
Michigan, USA
August 2011, my crohns (post surgery pathology confirmed) was found during exploritory surgery after CAT scan showed possible issue in transition between small and large intestines. I went in to doc due to pain if I touched one spot (half dollar in size) on right side of stomach. Only that one spot.

I did not have ANY of the Crohns symptoms stated in this forum. I did have a anual fissure/fistuala 25 years ago. Surgically repaired...went on with my life...until now. I did smoke pot back in high school/college - the forums state pot could actually handle the chrohns (I know, everyone is different and who knows what really happened back then...)...just mentioning...

Before surgery and now: No abdominal pain, eat anything - I could lose 15 lbs (I know not too bad), daily normal BM's, rarely DR, never nausia unless too long on a merry-go-round, gums have always been ok to poor health wise with daily brushing (so maybe something there). Point is, I could not tell there was an issue (crohns) and cannot now after surgery.

I'm on weekly Metho (4 weeks ago) because MRI-E 6 weeks ago indicated inflamation at surgical site. A colonoscapy one week after start of Metho showed no signs of activity. Biopsies not back yet from lab...Metho is supposed to take many weeks to kick-in...

Now here are a few million dollar questions: Active Crohns versus "flare-ups": I realize there is no cure for Crohn's...so we all have the disease all the time, (remission vs active). But, I would like see if I can identify when/if I am having a "flare-up":

1. Are your symptoms different during "flare ups" vs during long term active Crohns vs remission? I read that some will have "issues" eating certain foods...are those "issues"/symptoms different then general active crohns?

2. What are the physical symptoms you have that I might be able use to identify with me...not pain, but some other symptoms:
Distended belly? (lower or upper or both?),
Stomach firmness? (soft to touch or hard/firm?),
Fatigue? (I have it...but when is fatigue really medical fatigue vs long day at the office?),

I do have a distended lower belly, but I have since the surgery back in August.

I have had 4 re-openings (~1 in long) of my wound in different areas due to internal infections. Healed easily each time (but infections came back). Doc's have no idea why (U of Ann Arbor - largest hospital in Michigan). They even thought maybe the Crohns might have had effect on the wound healing... they have never been linked before.

Yep, I'm blessed and cursed!

Thanks all for bearing with the long winded-ness above...and my grammer/spelling/humor/etc...
Hi Dave :bigwave: Everyone will react differently but this is what happens for me: When I was in remission (many moons ago) I would feel 'normal'. There was no pain in my tummy, there was no fatigue and I generally just felt 'well'. The only time I would get a bit of a tummy ache and slightly loose poop is if I really over did it with what I ate, this of course can happen to anyone - even poeple who don't have IBD and over indulge. Now a flare up/active disease will mean the usual pain in the abdomen and diarrhoea. There is also the general feeling of being very run down, I get tired and need naps on the weekends, I get mouth ulcers and will get aches and pains in my hands and knees, on my most recent flare I added being sick to the mix. Another thing to look out for is changes to your skin, some people will get rashes that can sometimes look like bad acne or in my case once big fat purple bruises all over my legs. I hope this helps :)
Sorry Dave...but I'm not really sure what's the difference between active crohns & a flare up. To me if i'm having a flare up, then my crohns is active...if no flare up, then I'm in remission. Maybe that's not the case!?? Have I been living the last 7 years with the wrong look on all this!?? lol
Thanks for the quick replies!

I guess my main question is how do I tell if I am having a flare-up or active crohns if I do not feel any pain in the stomach/abdomin?

Unfortunately/fortunately, I also do not have and never had issue with sores nor DR...

I am tired...but not nap worthy tired. Maybe my current level of fatigue is due to the Metho shots...maybe crohns...maybe both?

Thanks again.
My flares have changed over the last 7 years, but the one constant is always pain. I do not have mouth sores, or skin irritations. Initially, before treatment, I spent most of my time on the toilet...I couldn't even get through a meal & I would have to go. Now I get very bloated, and no BMs for a day or two....lots of sharp spasm-y pain (and yes, that's the technical term ;)) I usually vomit the first day, then 3 or so days later...after the pain has subsided, I will get DR. The biggest trigger for me is stress...then after that it's raw veggies, tomato based anything, soda, and uber spicy. But I can eat all of those things, as long as it's in moderation. ie, I can't eat a green salad everyday...have to limit to 2-3 times a week.

Hope this helps!!
Unfortunately I think this is going to be a dreaded 'wait and see' thing for you. You may find in the future you will get the typical crohns systems if it flares up (fingers crossed it doesn't). The only thing I would say is keep an eye on things and as soon as something/anything happens that isn't the norm for you contact your doc and have it checked out - better to be safe than sorry.
Ya know...over the decades (I'm 47)...every once in a while I would get sharp lower back pains, fullness in stomach area and constipation. It would last a couple days.

These back pains occurred back to my high school days (saw doc and he said do lower back strengthing excersises - looking back on it, his advice is weird cause I was on swim team and track team).

In adulthood I would eat apple sauce and stole softener - but it would take a couple days before next BM. Then the BM was pretty normal.

I wonder if those were flare-ups...the situation just seemed weird overall and nothing (meds) touched the pain nor the constipation.


Thanks much!
Before my diagnosis I was seeing a chiropractor regularly for chronic lower back pain. There is definitely a correlation btwn lower back pain & CD...I think anyway. I mean seriously...its all attached right!?

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