What's the average length of time on Infliximab

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May 10, 2011
I've had 2 infusions & the results are quite startling tbh. I feel very much better & now I'm wondering how long people can stay on Infliximab before the effectiveness starts to wane. Humira was about 4 yrs 7mths for me so I'm hoping that I'll be able to have effectiveness on Infliximab for @ least that length of time.
It really depends. I had many good years on it - though it was my first biologic so that may make a difference. I was on for around 9 years, on and off due to insurance reasons. I stopped to get pregnant and could not go back on.

Glad it is working for you.
I don't know how long but I have read that all biologics wear out. Keep us updated. Wishing you the best.
I was on it for 6 years and did great. Only switched bc it was too hard to make it to my infusions (it was a 70 mile drive and I have a baby)
Thanks for all the replies, I never felt this good this early on Humira. Infliximab feels like a whole different ball game so far.
Good luck!! Enjoy the infusions!. I always used it as my lazy day. So it was nap day all day. I actually really miss it sometimes haha
Wow. Nice to see people that have been on these types for do long. I was o remicade but severe reaction I could not use it and was on humira back in 08 but lost coverage. Looking to start humira again to get a abdominal fistula under control. Hope it works
10 years and counting here Grant!!!!

Thats brilliant, I really hope it'll be 10yrs for me if things continue as they are. I had such a miserable xmas but within 4-5 days after my 1st infusion on 30thDec I really noticed an improvement & its been continual improvement since then.
Long may it continue.
So glad it is working for you Grant.long may it do so...☺ did not help me but there you go, not for everyone i guess. When it works tho it is usualy pretty darn good stuff☺. Keep well 💕
How long did it take to start the infusions after gastro recommended it Grant?

Hi Mattie, about 6 weeks. And it was hell waiting for it, I was so unwell over xmas new year. Barring side effects or bad infections I get the feeling this could be a bit of a life changer for me if the early signs carry on.
Best Wishes
Hey Grant. I've been on it for just over 3 years and it's fab. After about a year I noticed that the last week of the 8 week cycle was too tiring for me so I get it every 7 weeks now which makes a difference. I know someone who was on it for a few years, then he experimented with coming off for 4 months but sadly that didn't work so he went back on & it was just as successful. My consultant says that even when we are in remission, the condition is still working there in the background and the trough levels of Infliximab (Remicade / Remsima) gradually drop over the weeks so that explains any fatigue that may set in for some of us. It's a miracle med, worked straight away for me. Hope you continue to have good experiences with it : )
Thanks for the info Grant. I hope it continues to work well for you. You must be mightily relieved to have your life back. I've just started the process of waiting - been told it will take approx 10 weeks to get into the system, which will seem forever!
Mattie, I hope they can hurry it along for you.There really is nothing worse than waiting for something that may well work whilst feeling terrible. Fingers crossed for you.