Whenever I am in a flare I phone my doctor but he says my blood tests are okay. He doesn't give me figures. I wonder whether he actually makes allowances for the figures to be out of normal range since he expects it to be slightly elevated so maybe my crp is slightly higher but he tells me it is okay because he knowd my crohns is the cause If that makes any sense?
This is why I always ask for and get a copy of the lab report for all my blood tests - so that I can see for myself what the actual value is an not just rely on the doc's subjective description of them. I keep copies of all lab and pathology reports in a file so that I can track progress, or lack thereof, over time. This way I might be able to spot developments or trends that the busy doctors might not notice.
My CRP has always been low - in the normal range. And it stays there whether I'm in flare or in remission. CRP is not an informative marker in my case.
Mine as well. Every blood test I have my levels are always low which is the most frustrating thing. Just before I was diagnosed all my blood work came back normal and my GP was skeptical to even send me for a colonoscopy because of that. Eventually he did and of course it was shown I had Crohns.
Can't imagine how many people are turned away because their blood work shows up normal.
What did your colonoscopy show please as my bloods have come back normal but my colonoscopy has shown up things but my dr and consultant are still not convinced