I suspect Crohn’s disease will be helped with vitamin D and even cured in some (?many) cases, if the dose is adequate.
Vitamin A needs to be stopped. Accutane is a vitamin A derivative.
25(OH)D levels need to be 70-80 ng/ml, which requires 5,000 – 10,000 IU/day of vitamin D3, to treat Crohn’s disease.
Vitamin D needs cofactors to work properly. If I had Crohn’s, I would definitely pay the extra cost and buy a vitamin D with the expensive K2, and mg, zn and boron. These are the cofactors vitamin D needs to work. For example, the vitamin D receptor is like a glove. At the base of the fingers of the glove is a zinc molecule. Most Americans are zinc deficient. The same is true for boron, magnesium and probably K2.
I recommend the new D-Plus from Bio-Tech Pharmacal. Make sure it is the new formula, not the old one. The dose is three pills per day for 5,000 IU, this is important as most people take only one or two and so are still vitamin D deficient. Take with largest meal of day.
Also, ulcerative colitis will also be helped by ADEQUATE doses of vitamin D.
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John J Cannell, MD