I wonder the same thing BBACK12. I've had Crohn's for 4 years and have been sick more than I have been better, and have tried way too many drugs. This past summer, I went to the hospital because I was sick and they did some blood tests and my "inflammation index" or something, was like 220. To put that in perspective, the average person index in between 0-5. When some of the doctors saw the results they asked, "how the heck are you ever sitting up?! why weren't you in the hospital sooner?". After a CT and other tests, they told me my entire colon was inflammed, along with my ileum (sp?) and I had a bit of scar tissue. Scary considering I NEVER ever had that much inflammation before. I used to just have 2 patches within my large intestine.
Now, the point of that story was to say: even with all that crap, no doctor (and I saw MANY this past year) mentioned surgery or anything of the sort. Actually, now that I think about it, no one has ever mentioned surgery to me, even though I've been in so much pain before it hurt my stomach to even breath.
I think a lot of it must depend on your doctor and how willing YOU are to have surgery. If it's just inflammation, I think most GI will try to fix the problem with meds first. If you are experiencing other things like fistuals, sores, strictures, etc, surgery may be required.
I don't know if I actually answered your question, haha, but hopefully I raised some helpful points

Good luck with your results, I really hope everything is well!