When your boss is in-human towards Chrohns

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 6, 2011
Good Evening,

I know that all if not most of everyone in this forum have had some issue with trying to explain in a none detailed and embaressing way what Chron's is and how it can effect you're daily life.

I am temping at the moment but in this climate glad to be working. I had a bit of a turn just after I started work and spent an (amazingly short) 5-6 days in hospital and that was due to me having to keep negotiating with the doctor that I needed to get home to revise for uni' exams that were up and coming. At the same time I needed to know that I had a job to go back to. The boss seemed fine and happy for me to return. LOVELY!!.... or so I thought.

Like a bad horror film you know what's coming next....:hallo3:

Over the past 2 months I have been under the careful eye of the consultant but this means time off to attend consultant catch ups, 8 weekly infusions (which I did explain to the boss) for my infliximab (remicade to my fellow Americans) and local G.P. appointments for pain releif (tramadol is not a light pain killer and your regular intake of it has to be monitored). :yfaint:

When I told my boss that I had to attend an appointment for tests she made comments like "oh this is difficult as the new guy shouldn't be left on his own" I said that he was confident as he was a receptionist in another site her reply "oh I'll have to think about this, this is going to be a problem". To my astonishment when I looked up at her she was literally starred at me as if to see if I was lying, she then proceeded to walk off muttering how this has created difficultly. The most recent this week was when she had returned to the office she commented on saying "that I hope that this is the end of taking time off?" I replied not thinking I had apppintments for next month but would let her know as soon as I know. When I thought about it later I re-ran things in my head and was appaulled at the reaction.

I have not kept it a secret that I have Crohn's and no it's not cancer but a person can still struggle to survive everyday of their life when out of remission just like cancer and many other illnesses. I told my boss this and have in the past directed bosses to websites. Even a place I volunteer for has my boss googling what Crohn's is for a better understanding to support me.

My point here is regardless of who your boss and what your role is they should never make you feel uncomfortable to attend much need appointments. Yes us Crohn's folk when we have to go into hospital it's always for a long period of time but a little understanding from the employers would help ease the pain when the boss lends reassurance our way and not under-the-breath-comments about time being taken off. I am in the process of researching under the employment act about termination of work due to illness so will share what I find. As far as I know a boss cannot fire you for attending so many appointments or spending lenthy time in hospital as long as you can provide proof if ever questioned and your consultant should be good enough to send a letter of explaination to you for their consumption.

I feel better I have got that out of my system. :poo:
It is crazy the way boss's treat us. I had to quit my job so I could get insurance to have surgery. When I told my boss, I needed to talk to her she got all huffy and puffy like why are you bothering me, and then I told her I needed to quit and then her attitude changed and she looked like she felt stupid which I hope she did! Don't let some idiot make you feel like your doing wrong cause your not. Your health should always come first no matter what!
Why do some bosses do this? I am greatful that in my current job I can leave and not have to get someone to cover for me. My boss is very supportive. Calls me when I am sick to see how I am doing. I will admit that having a nurse as your boss makes this a little eaiser. Not so much explaining to do. However, even though no one gives me any grief about appointments why do I still feel that I am a problem to all when I go? I think part of the problem is that companies want worker bees that can just keep going and going, and seem to forget that their employees have other things going on in their lives. Good luck, and I hope you are able to tell your boss whats what with the law. Sorry this is happening to you, just glad to be working where I am.
Hey guys,

Since posting my on-going gripe with my boss I must admit I am amazed at the amount of issues other fellowCrohn's folk are having just to get that much needed time off for the search of relief of pain and control of the bowels. Also very rare but uplifting there are some bosses that actually support that hard working person in pain. It's totally eye and earing opening to some of the stories either on the forum but a lot in person I have come across. What fudge is it that you have to do to get this painful illness reconised. This is what I along with thousands of others what meant to do this year, bring it to employers attention.

I feel so lucky that my boss is 35 miles south of me. I can make my bathroom runs and they don't see them. I do let them know when I have dr's appointments, etc.. I think that when I'm flaring they would be having a fit over the time I spend in the bathroom.
Can you take FML leave? For appts and such? I'm afraid this is going to happen to me also. My dr is 25 min away and I took vacation and spent the whole time with dr appts. They can't do anything to you because of medical problems. Make sure you document all your appts so if something happens you can show them it's work related.
I am against suing in general, but I'm like Joan on this point. Employees need to push the envelope in this matter and make sure that not only their rights are respected but also that more people know and understand about chronic disease and what it is and what it isn't. As much of an additional pain as it is, I think getting a good lawyer and being on top of what is okay and what is not okay is key.

However: it is probably not encouraging that the last time I said it was a good idea to take matters to a lawyer it took about 5 years for the situation to play out and left me wondering if "justice" was worth it....
My boss isn't human, she's an ignorant, incompentant bitch, so I'm gonna sue her, just like that!

Amen, Astra!

When I was hired, they knew I had Crohn's, even proudly told me that there is another Crohnie on the workforce. However, when he had to take days off she once told me that if this keeps going she would have to fire him. I was appalled, to say the least.

After I had my surgeries the bitch told my daughter over the phone that I didn't need to worry, my job would be there when I had recoverd. Yeah, right!!! They hired a full-time replacement and she told me that there just isn't enough work for me to return to. She then tried to cover up by telling me that I was incompetent and would have been fired shortly after my return anyways..... wow.

So, yes, for the very first time in my professional career I am taking steps to, at the very least, get them investigated for disabiltity discriminiation and if necessary sue the "crap" out of them. Just trying to speed up the "karma process" a bit.

Overall, it was one of the worst experiences in my life. Not only trying to come to terms with the bag but with the inhumane treatment. :ymad:
Oh Heike
that is so unfair. Employers do need awareness. Would they sack someone after an accident, say they were in a wheelchair, for being incompetent, no, would they heck, they wouldn't dare!
It's cos Crohn's is invisable, they can't see it, so it isn't there, it's in your head!
My boss had the audacity to ask me if it was cos of my periods!
she said 'it's just diarrhea isn't it'
If I have to go to a disciplinary hearing in front of the trustees they had better be ready. I have a solicitor, my consultant, my GP and the Union on stand by.
You go get em girl, good luck!
I GOT FIRED as soon as I was diagnosed with Colitis in October then they found out I have CROHNS DISEASE YIKES! Is it legal for my boss to fire me because of my illness? I had every medical paper and he refused to see it! Now I'm about to go homeless and unemployment denied me because I'm unable to work! I'm on food stamps but they don't pay bills and I'm denied cash assistance because I'm CHILDLESS! Nobody can help me with money what do I do?????
There was no medical leave where I worked I only worked in an office with 8 people! I was the only one to not get PAID vacation days because I went to the hospital every month more than twice....
In the U.S., if you have excessive absences, an employer can fire you. However, if it is because of illness, you would fall under FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) that would allow you a cetain amount of time off in a year, but would require you to use paid time off before unpaid time off. If you do not return within a certain period, they do not have to keep the job open. Sometimes we only see our side of it and do not realize the emloyer also needs to be able to rely on a position to accomplsih work and keep their company running. They can only use temporary help for so long because they need t rely on someone. I find it better to be open with a company and if it is the right company, they will work with you for as long as possible, before they have to make a decision that is best for them. You have to make a decision that is best for you, if you can not work at a company that is too stressful, etc. Working is a privilege, not a right.
If your immediate boss is not treating you fairly, I would write it down in a notepad just in case it is neede later on. Can you go above your boss to a senior person? They may have a bit more compassion.
I made a GI appointment for short notice once (day before) due to being in a lot of pain. My boss told me that I couldnt go as there wasnt anyone to cover me for an hour (although they could still do the job with only 2 people). I then told him that ok I will go home sick instead. Had a word with the boss above and he said there was no problem at all having an hour off to see the GI (also said if I get too bad they will take me off shift work and put me on days). Since then I havent had a problem at all.
Sometimes we only see our side of it and do not realize the emloyer also needs to be able to rely on a position to accomplsih work and keep their company running. They can only use temporary help for so long because they need t rely on someone. I find it better to be open with a company and if it is the right company, they will work with you for as long as possible, before they have to make a decision that is best for them. You have to make a decision that is best for you, if you can not work at a company that is too stressful, etc. Working is a privilege, not a right.

Fortunately UK have disability laws. Just because people are poorly/disabled, doesnt mean they can be treated as garbage. Yes they are there to make money, but we arent in the 16th century anymore and they should treat their employees with respect and compassion
I find it better to be open with a company and if it is the right company, they will work with you for as long as possible, before they have to make a decision that is best for them. You have to make a decision that is best for you, if you can not work at a company that is too stressful, etc. Working is a privilege, not a right.
Mickey, from what I read Crohns2011 was open with his employer. "I GOT FIRED as soon as I was diagnosed with Colitis in October then they found out I have CROHNS DISEASE YIKES!"

The only reason that may be legal is that most federal employment laws that protect workers from such actions only apply to larger employers or employers with federal contracts. I personally think this type of conduct by an employer is appalling.
I'm a woman but yeah I was fired even though I was willing to show every paper I got from the hospital and clinics and doc office! Now I'm on the verge of homelessness and have nobody to help me! The guy who was my boss made over $100,000 a year even though our office had 8 people only.....
The guy who fired me let a woman who was a coworker STILL KEEP THE JOB and WORK FROM HOME even though she moved to Florida and got rich from her father dying! I asked to work from home and he SAID NO!
Fortunately UK have disability laws. Just because people are poorly/disabled, doesnt mean they can be treated as garbage. Yes they are there to make money, but we arent in the 16th century anymore and they should treat their employees with respect and compassion

By no means am I saying an employee should be treated poorly, but a company also has a business to run and needs to depend upon people to do it. I agree that employees and employers need to treat each other with respect. The U.S. has disability laws as well, but cap it after certain leeway is given. Trust me, I have been on the end of both employee with issues and being an employer who had people milking the system and using disability for time when it truly was not disability issue and other employees up in arms with that "sick" employee abusing the time off. Abuse happens with workers comp and disability. You can usually tell which employees are not "milking" the system, but it is a fine line in treating them all fairly. The problem also tends to be with managers who do not properly handle human relations issues in a professional manner. Untrained and ill advised managers screw up.
I was going to the restroom up to 15 times in 8 hours and before I left I was using the restroom 4 times every hour! Water and any drinks would go straight through me along with food and even if I was not eating at all. They knew I was sick but they let a woman who had no health issues who got rich off of her dead father's money who moved to florida to work my job "just to work" work from home while I was NOT ALLOWED to work at home at all when the most I've ever made was $10,000 in one year (FULL TIME) and have no financial help and obviously I got diagnosed with a lifelong disease that I can't control.......and with NO health insurance!
I am so very sorry that you are going through all this. I can only hope that you are able to get assistance, and in a hurry! Is there any assistance the ccfa can give you? Advice, pointing to different charities, free legal assistance?