Where is this blood coming from?

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Jan 7, 2009
Having recently gotten my fistulas under control (not gone, but inflammation down) and feeling generally better, I decided to start running again. Yesterday was my third time in a week. After running for a little while, I started to feel sorness in my rear. The kind you get from wiping when you have constant D...I think someone here appropriately described it as " shards of glass in your ass crack" :lol: Anyway, when I finished running and went to shower, I saw that my underwear was drenched in bright red blood. It really alrmed me because I don't usually bleed like this. I have not had anymore blood since though. Any thoughts on where it came from?
MMMmmm did u have any stitches while getting your fistulas under control?? You probably tore a healing scab or something open if it was bright red blood....Take it easy shadycat...slow and steady wins the race. ;) Keep tearing it open and like you say "those shards come back"believe it. ;) Mine are at the same point as yours and I just walked 10 mins to the library yesterday and back and that was too much Im hobbling around the house today and sittin on my donut pillow...as much as we want to get back to life...maybe only try one run a week...or better yet...two soft jogs...we can''t rush our health. :)
take a lookie with a handheld mirror!

i know i know its weird to have to investigate your buttcrack, but you might be able to see what is going on. its helped me to find probelm spots before.
I get this type of thing from a chronic anal fissure. They want to snip out the edges and sew back he healthy material of the anus/spincter area. Sounds terrible without narcotics, but that's what's been going on with my rear. I'm just hoping this new homeopathic cream from the herb shop helps and I can heal and avoid that!!!!!
Hi there glad youve got your fistulas under control mine are a pain in ihe proverbial! Even when mine are under control they bleed regular. I agreee with kello get a mirror and take a good look down there!