Which Direction?

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Which direction do you turn to sit on the toilet? and Do you crumple or fold?

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Dec 28, 2007
My friends without IBD had a blast answering these questions on Facebook.

So, which direction do you turn when you sit down on the toilet?

Do you crumple or fold your toilet paper?

Take the poll!

I turn counter-clockwise and crumple.
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Lydia said:
I dont understand the direction question.
I had to think about it for a while. I guessed at it being which way you look when backing up to take a seat :study:

ewww to crumpling. That just seems a little too unreliable to me :ylol2:
I'm all about the folding...you can see better when it's folded...lol And yes, I can only say that on this forum...lmao
I spin around three times clockwise, then anti-clockwise. Then I have to touch the hot and cold taps 15 times...

I fold the paper into a swan.
I think, Kelly, that we should nickname you "Counter crumpler". Hahahaha!

I have a theory that the majority of people who turn counter-clockwise also crumple.
Counter and fold, I guess there goes your theory, eh.haha

Actually, I just realized it depends on where the door is in relation to the toilet. I'll always turn towards the door.
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Ha Ha Creepy, what repartee! :lol:

Counter and fold :)

My God, there's only us who can get away with this!!
I am the same as Jeff when it comes to the direction - I always turn to face the door, ever since I mooned someone when the dog pushed the door open as they were walking by! LOL

Current house is a counter and fold.
Counter and crumple.

Crumple has more nooks and crannies to get all the junk.
Try to spread butter on a pancake, then try it with a waffle =D

I think we should all try the opposite next time and see how it feels. I bet it will be uncomfortable to turn the other way.
I still don't understand the direction. It would depend on where the toilet is in the bathroom which would be different in any bathroom. Seems irrelevant.

I crumple because you have more TP volume between your fingers and your poo. Hate to have to layer too thin and feel a wet spot. Gross. Seems like a waste of TP to get the right thickness to do it that way.
CrabbyRelish said:
I still don't understand the direction. It would depend on where the toilet is in the bathroom which would be different in any bathroom. Seems irrelevant.

I crumple because you have more TP volume between your fingers and your poo. Hate to have to layer too thin and feel a wet spot. Gross. Seems like a waste of TP to get the right thickness to do it that way.
So well said! ^ re: the volume.

She's right about the location of the toilet too! I wrote counter in my earlier post cuz I was at work at the time, and thought about that toilet. At work, the toilet is on my right when I enter.
When I am at home I go clockwise. My home toilet is on my left when I walk in. Weeeeiiirrrd.
Counter and wipe. Doesn't matter which way I fold or crumple the catolog pages, I still get paper cuts.
Some of you can go with the flow and turn either way. Most people I have talked to always turn the same way no matter where the toilet is located. I can't think of a case where I would turn clockwise.

As suggested I will try folding and turning clockwise next time...
Why would someone turn almost a full circle just because they were used to turning that way? LOL. If it's an OCD thing, then it's not funny.
I think if I understand the first part of this question then I am a counter clockwise person and, I think, it would be less distance to "travel" than if you turned clockwise. :lol:

I am totally a crumpler. The "volume" of it is exactly why I prefer this method (especially when you're in a public bathroom where the TP is like 1/2 ply :lol: ). The only time I will fold is if I'm using Charmin wipes or something and then I find I wash my hands for a longer period of time after wiping to ensure I've removed all the potential germies, haha!

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