Whoooo Hoooo!! Remission in site!!!

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FINALLY after almost 3 and a half years of having severe diarhea 20+ times daily with blood and the rest of the eeewww that goes with it (with a few days of less times going), I think I see remission on the horizon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After several failed attempts at all kinds of meds, I think the double dose of remicade is finally doing it's job!!! A week ago, I was going about 21 times a day, and rarely was there anything in there that was formed. Now, for the past 4-5 days, I have only gone at most 5 times a day, and NO DIARHEA!!

I just wanted to post some good news...I am so excited! Now maybe I can have a life of some sort. Course, I know...you can't get too excited, cuz most times, it doesn't last long. But after 3 and a half years, I will take what I can, and enjoy it!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Donna that is great news! I am so happy for you. I sure hope that the good results stay and keep us updated.
yay donna!!!!!!!!! thats awsome its good when something good happens for ya with crohns even if its small the people here will understand....... I found out today to that i wasnt on my way into a flair which i thought i could be so yay donna!!!!!!

WOW ... Donna that is some MIGHT FINE NEWS that you had to share & I am shoked that you did not write me and share with me first .. oh well it's good to see that U shared it here with everyone & so I'm so very happy for U too. I will continue to keep you in prayer that things will continue to IMPROVE and so stay in touch !!
Donna, I'm so happy for you!

Heres to greater and better things for you in the future! You deserve it
Thanks guys for all the encouragement!!!!! Tis why I love this site!!!!

And, Karen, I am sorry I didn't write to you first...things here have been so hectic now that I am feeling better, and the weather is so beautiful, that the only time I am in on the computer anymore is just to check messages and such. I promise, my next good news will go your way first!!!!! Sorrry... :(
Donna, I'm so happy for you!
Just think now !! how much money u`l save on toilet paper :lol:
Awesome stuff....when i think back to before having CD, i think i would really be kinda creeped out if someone came up to me happy about the condition of their bowel movements, i guess thats why its ncie to have this place to come and chat to others with the same thing, becuase no one really understands how great it is for us when we have a good day...except for us..lol
Now that's cause for a celebration.


Many Years of Remission ahead Donna...so happy to hear.