Who's shooting up today?

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Mar 4, 2009
I was curious who is doing their injections today. I just finished my B12 and Humira shots. Yeah, my legs are a bit sore now. If you will excuse me, I need to take my Flonase, 6MP and folic acid.

DAN! (you're supposed to get it on your off-week when on Humira!)

I took my Humira... hurt this time (sometimes I find special spots that don't hurt).
I'm sorry for you guys. After all these blood tests and stuff I'm still extremely needlephobic. I told my doctor there isn't anyway I could go on those I wouldn't be able to handle the shots that often plus bloodwork :p
Yay - you are back Crazy!!!

I got the LOOONG shoot up of Remicade today - now I'm going to bed to sleep the drug induced coma off.
Hmmm... Metho shots, I did the tabs... and talking of drug induced coma's that one sure was horrible.

Humira soon. Not looking forward to the needles either. But needs must. I'll do anything just to be well.
B12 is supposed to give more energy (don't think it actually does much tho!). It is absorbed in the ileum and so if your ileum is where the Crohns is (as mine is) you can be deficient.
I want names and address for all you guys shooting up!There has got to be some kind of reward for turning you all in to the police. Its close to Christmas and I could use the extra money!
You ARE a Pirate!! I would whoop up on you if you sent the po po looking for me!

I wonder what my B12 levels are - I think I'll see if I can get them checked next time I'm at the doctor.
Okay, you win. I won't call the po po. Women that want to whoop on me really scare me. I'll just take my chances with the CD.

My GI told me to get a flu shot so by doctor's orders I will finally get my first one ever, tomorrow. Have to go to my GP at 10:15 tomorrow anyway. She's a good doctor too.
Do a lot of us need to check on the B12? I wonder if that's why I so fatigued all the time? Its weird because I'm tired but I can't sleep very well.
Not sure Mike, tho it can't do any harm. My levels were normal but the doc decided to try and give me some anyway. I don't think it has made any difference. Actually the thing that has helped me most are the antidepressants which kicked in after a month and I feel like a new person - as much as I hated the idea of taking them!
I'm already on anti-depressants. Fluoxetine 40 mg a day. I was on them before I was diagnosed for Crohn's. I never thought they did much anyway. I'm not sure what they are really supposed to do anyway.
They should help with both depression and anxiety Mike, so may lessen the anxiety that comes with the pred? Seemed to work for me anyway, either that or I just started feeling better in general. Sleeping a bit better and feel more relaxed which is nice! And not having the odd burst of bad depression which I was getting with the tapering.
shazamataz said:
B12 is supposed to give more energy (don't think it actually does much tho!). It is absorbed in the ileum and so if your ileum is where the Crohns is (as mine is) you can be deficient.

Omg! My crohns is in my ileum! And im soo tired all the time! I want B12!!! Anyone find it actualy helps tho?
x x x x x
Search for B12 LMV - I think there is a thread asking that very question on here. I'd get tested if you know your disease is there because I believe that is where it gets absorbed.

Mike - ugh - no sleep at all last night? That is awful! You need to join the insomniac's club on here!

Shaz...do you mind me asking what you are on for the anit-d? I have been noticing a smidgy of anxiety over about the last 2 months and it is ANNOYING me and I know making my gut worse. My gut hasn't been great for about the last 6 months or so - and that might be part of the anxiety, but if upping my dose of Remi helps with that and I'm STILL having the anxiety - I may start thinking about taking something.
Uh Oh....sounds like I need to restart the obsessive posters anonymous club!!! ;)

Carrie (Popcorn) made a very good observation a month or so ago. She said that when you have insomnia, looking at a computer screen late at night is not good because it tricks your mind into thinking it is daytime (or something like that). Just an FYI for you Mike. Let me know how your nap goes this afternoon ;)
I found the B12 shots nothing compared to these Cimzia needles I have to inject - big, fat needles - one in the belly and one in the leg and the medication is so thick that it takes a long time just getting it in...I feel sort of faint by the time I am done - thought that would go away and I was never afraid of needles before - Oh well, the joys of Crohns ...
God knows Carolyn - can't you take that stuff out and thin it with a little vodka or something ;) Sounds painful!
Ouch! Last shot I got screwed up my hip. I had to ask my doctor why is was hurting for weeks after and she said they shot me in the wrong place. :( Owwie
Ugh, I feel for you guys, I sure don't miss the days that I had to go in and get my B12 shots, I'm just sooooo glad that I was able to ween onto the tabs with no issues...I couldn't imagine giving myself a shot, I really doubt I could do it so hat's off to all you brave souls.

Out of all the things I could have a phobia of it is needles that bother me. I am so glad I'm not on giving myself humira shots anymore. :voodoo:
CrohnieCarolyn said:
I found the B12 shots nothing compared to these Cimzia needles I have to inject - big, fat needles - one in the belly and one in the leg and the medication is so thick that it takes a long time just getting it in...I feel sort of faint by the time I am done - thought that would go away and I was never afraid of needles before - Oh well, the joys of Crohns ...

I think by giving myself cimzia shots i can probably shoot just about anything! They take forever to push, but i usually just hit the recliner when i'm done.

I had my B12 checked after finding out about the illium thing. I was on the "low side of normal" .. So I started taking a B12 supplement. (not shots) .. B12 has a lot to do with your nervous system. Being deficient in it can lead to some serious neurological problems like dimensia and alzheimers.

After just having another surgory this past summer, i'll probably go have it checked again just to be safe.

Here is a link to symptoms of B12 deficiencies if your curious what you may have to look forward to if you are: B12 Deficiency symptoms
Wiles said:
Out of all the things I could have a phobia of it is needles that bother me. I am so glad I'm not on giving myself humira shots anymore. :voodoo:

Wiles, minus the santa outfit i swear you look like the kid from the movie Iron Eagle!
Holy Crap. I looked at the symptoms and was floored.
These are the things I can relate to.
tired, weak and lethargic. Also constipated, verrry gassy, insomnia, depression,digestive problems, headaches and the biggest is the ringing in the ears. That one I have something terrible and have complained about it to Janis for a long time.
I guess I should have it checked. But I drink a Mona-vie EMV drink every day and it gives you 200% of your daily requirement. Its all natural with the acia berry as one of the main ingredients.
I just did my Cymzia the Friday after New Years. While the first shot was the roughest going in, the second one hurt the most afterwards.... /shrug oh well, i survived!

Have any of you the do your own shots ever "contaminated" the dose by drawing blood?
Had 2nd loading dose of Humira today. keeping my toes crossed. The straining must go...................... soon.......................Doctor thinks I bruised my ribs. My right side hurts more than my butt and that is saying a lot. I get really tired of pain.
Just shot up with Cymzia last night. First shot was pretty much like my last round, hard going in. Second one went fast, but left a lump near the injection site. I may have pushed it faster then my body was "absorbing" it. Other then that business as usual.
shawne said:
Just shot up with Cymzia last night. First shot was pretty much like my last round, hard going in. Second one went fast, but left a lump near the injection site. I may have pushed it faster then my body was "absorbing" it. Other then that business as usual.

I phoned the pharmacy nurse and she told me to ice the injection site first for about 10 mins and this should help with the swelling and also to leave the Cimzia out of the fridge for an hour instead of only a half hour - I did both these things and the lumps from both injection sites was much less sore and not so swollen - hope this helps - sucks that it has to go in so slow is what I hate - but ya - better than suffering miserably with a major flare...
CrohnieCarolyn said:
I phoned the pharmacy nurse and she told me to ice the injection site first for about 10 mins and this should help with the swelling and also to leave the Cimzia out of the fridge for an hour instead of only a half hour - I did both these things and the lumps from both injection sites was much less sore and not so swollen - hope this helps - sucks that it has to go in so slow is what I hate - but ya - better than suffering miserably with a major flare...

I should of thought of the ice pack. The whole hind site thing i guess. Ya its weird the first one i couldn't push hard because it hurt if i pushed to much, but the 2nd one i just must have hit a vacuum or something i dunno .. First time i had a swell like that one. I thought maybe i hit a vein and blew it out, but it's not black'n blue or anything. Oh well .. See what happens in my next four weeks.

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