Why Bananas?

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May 2, 2012
Why are they the only fruit good for Crohns? Or is that a load of tosh? Answers please. I am going bananas trying to work it out...
Never heard this one before, but perhaps because they will tend to stop diarrhea? Blueberries, cherries and apples (skinned) may be others you can tolerate. An apple a day....?
I used to find that bananas really irritated my Crohns...I guess it's another of case of everyone being different.
I have heard before that when Bananas are quite raw the sugars in them are in a starchy sort of molecule that can be difficult to digest. But as they ripen they break down get more sugary so they are easier to digest. So for people who say they can't eat bananas it might be interesting to bear that in mind and see if it makes any difference. I'm not sure if it is the same for other fruits or not. I assume it is possible/likely or maybe its more extreme in bananas than other fruits!
I used to find that bananas really irritated my Crohns...I guess it's another of case of everyone being different.

Have you tried eating them when they are super spotty ripe? When I used to eat unripen bananas it caused me issues but ripe bananas no issues at all. One day I ate 20 ripe bananas as a test and felt great but if I ate 2 or 3 unripe ones I would have issues.
Have you tried eating them when they are super spotty ripe? When I used to eat unripen bananas it caused me issues but ripe bananas no issues at all. One day I ate 20 ripe bananas as a test and felt great but if I ate 2 or 3 unripe ones I would have issues.

Yes, for me the problem with bananas was much worse when they were unripe. I still had mild problems with ripe bananas but I seem to have grown out of it as far as I can tell.
They are the only kind of fruit I can tolerate. I have low potassium and the doc sugested bananas. I can eat as much as 4 in a day with no problems. I like them a little on the ripe side so dont eat then unriped. They didnt really helped with the potassium but being able to eat at least one kind of fruit makes me happy (I have already ruled out pears, apples, strawberries, watermellon, mellons, mandarines, oranges, apricots and peaches). Whats the use of living in Greece if I cant eat fruit?
My stoma likes bananas--makes lots of squeals and gets all foamy. It helps thicken up the stool for many people, myself included.