Pun intended in the title. So I go for my pre-op appt today (the 19th) my surgery is the 25th (less than a week away-obviously) and the nurse tells me insurance won't cover my surgery -" It's not a medical necessity", says the insurance company! HELLO!?!? By the way the surgery I'm having-or not- is an ileostomy. I've already had a total colectomy with an ileorectal anastomosis April 2010-but now I need an ileostomy due to my "shortened" digestive tract and fecal incontinence. Plus the pouch will bypass the anus and rectum giving my horrible fistulas a chance to heal a bit. My surgeon actually told me that whoever he spoke to must have truly been an idiot because she didn't seem to get pooping your pants, and all over yourself isn't okay. The suggestion from the insurance agency is return to my GI and get treated for that. What the hell? I have taken every medication my doctor has to offer over the past 10 years, and all of them have been exhausted, leading to the colectomy, and now the ileostomy. Does anyone ever want a pouch if they have a better option? Like it's cosmetic or something. As a crohn's patient I am always being questioned and made to prove how "sick" I am-or if I'm "sick" at all. From my diagnosis, I fought for with my life (literally), until now with much needed relief from surgery. Now I have to wait to see IF I will even get surgery, let alone on the 25th. I NEED SOME PEACE OF MIND! I've had some many people (myself included) rearrange schedules on behalf of my son's care (he's 4), and mine. They did this months ago in preparation of my surgery. This is a living hell for me...when will it end??? I just can't relax since I returned home from the Dr. This is a huge life altering surgery for me, I've finally accepted the idea of all that comes with this surgery and I was really excited about it, and optimistic for a better life, to start living again, for me & most importantly my son. I called the insurance agency when I got home and it takes 15 days to review this case...I don't think I can wait or stand this frustration that long. It may only be a different surgery date, but it is SOOOO much more than just that. This affects more lives than just mine, and I can't afford the surgery to be moved even a couple of days, why should I have to! This has been scheduled for months, HELP!!
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