WHY does it smell so bad?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 31, 2011
So I tried to ask my doctor this, but he looked at me like I was crazy! I really want to know! Also, do you have any tricks or products to recommend? I can't even stand myself these days :eek:utahere:
Floral suppositories should do the trick! Never heard of them, but someone should start making those. Not sure it would be worth the trouble, mind you..
I had started a thread called " Smelly Poo." I really have smelly poo and my farts are smelly also. I too wodner why it is so smelly. Maybe we could ave someoen do a smell test.. non Crohn's people vs Crohns.. which is the smelliest.
The worst thing is that my toilet doesn't work the best..and it is left floating. Ewwwwwwwww
I used to take fiber which really made for terrible gas. I switched to the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (which is hard) but the diet not only eliminated the bad gas, but all of my symptoms.
I have found probiotic yogurts to be a good way to help with gas and smell. Believe me with a stoma the smell after a toilet visit can be overwhelming!


I was on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet for over a year when I still had my colon. It was a godsend and never had I felt so healthy and had such good remission. In my opinion I don't believe it's a cure for IBD, but alongside my asacol medication it was a very good control for my IBD. Unfortunately in the end I failed to maintain it after a year and slowly but surely ended up in an uncontrollable flare up. Stopping that diet is a big regret, but I guess we all have to fo the best with what we have and play with the cards we are dealt with.

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