Why does this happen?

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OMG!! This was me this morning.... Got up went to the BR like 6 times before I finally got out of the house (late) to go to work. I'm like, were did this all come from! haha :)
When you sleep, the body slows down the gut movements (but doesn't stop)...so the residue of things you've eaten during the previous day slowly builds up in the colon, ready to be evacuated when you wake. If your digestion is poor, then you will have multiple bowel movements instead of one decent one!
Gosh thank you! This is ridiculous! I woke up at around 10, and ended up going to the bathroom 5 times before 1 oclock! lol Really stinks (no pun intended lol) when your trying to get ready for the day!
Yeah for me it usually calms down by noon. I try not to schedual anything before noon because it takes awhile to get out of the house and then I feel crappy until I can eat but usually by then I feel to naucious to really eat because I waited to long. As bad as it sounds I usually sleep till 10 am and don;t work till 4pm.
Same kinda thing happens to me. I get up around 6.30am go straight to the loo, then have my tea and toast, then 10mins after that I go again. Only thing is, on the drive to work (which is an hour) I'm starving by the time I get to the end of the road?!

Needless to say my passenger seat is a mini supermarket of bananas, fruit bars and sandwiches:thumright:
Lookame, I'm the exact same. It's so hard to schedule anything before noon or even 1 or 2 oclock. if it's earlier than that I get really nervous because I know how my stomach gets in the mornings :( terrible! Glad i'm not the only one though!

Mr. Bedfordshire, that's a great idea to bring bananas, fruit bars, and sandwiches with you just in case you need it! I wish I had an appetite in the morning. I usually don't feel like eating until like 2 or 3 oclock in the afternoon. I'm still undiagnosed though.

I really appreciate the feedback, thank you!! :)
I am so thankful I found this forum the other day - you people are MY PEOPLE!!!!!
I too, always have food in the car with me, a little trick I gained as a parent, but I make sure I have mommy-crohn's friendly versions for me! Those meal replacement drinks are soooooooo good for me on mornings when nothing is "staying put". I don't even bother trying to eat, I just down a drink! It takes the edge off the hunger, gives you a bunch of your daily recommended vitamins and minerals and gives me something "normal" to have for breakfast on dodgy days!
That happens to me every morning. Luckily I am always hungry in the morning. It's my number one time to stuff my face.
I used to have this and all of a sudden it just stopped now I just have pain in the morning on my right side but when I eat it goes away. Its not hunger pains its cramping and it is usually in the morning. I go normally now but the pain is killing me. I hope it stops for you too! I know how much it sux to wake up and have one eye open at the crack of dawn because your digestion is going crazy

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