My 14 year old son, recently diagnosed, is now on his 17 day of EN> He has been taking Modulan orally, at this stage he is taking in between 2000 and 2250 cal/day. He had a problem with constipation last week and we had to rush him to the GI, who gave him and enema which sorted things out. Suggested we give him 2 sachets of Movicol on a daily basis until things sort out. Things is my son is so afraid of becoming that constipated again, the pain and blood from fissures really freaked him out, that he is happy with the 2/3 very loose runny BM he is having at the moment. The problem is I am concerned that he is losing the benefit of the Modulan because of this. He has not gained a single pound since beginning the Modulan and he is teriibly underweight. The nutritionist is very satisfied with things and feels that the weight gain will come in time. She is also comfortable with the cal intake which I suggested should be closer to 3000 cal/day according to what I have read on this forum. To make matters worse my son absolutely refuses to stop taking the Movicol for fear of becoming constipated again. We are trying our best to avoid steroids at this stage and I was so confident that EN would do the job. Any help or advice would be so appreciated.::sign0085: