Wisdom tooth extraction

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Jun 14, 2011
S just got back from dentist and he is referring him to a specialist because he believes his wisdom teeth will need to be removed.

How does S being on remicade affect this procedure? Can he have it done, any extra risks, any precautions, etc.

My older daughter (who has ankylosing spondylitis but not Crohn's) had to get off Humira before her wisdom teeth were taken out. She had to miss 2 shots and of course, she flared. I'm not sure how it would work with Remicade though.
All our doctors rheumatologist, dentist and oral surgeon argued for a long time about whether she had to get off it. The rheumatologist insisted she did, but the oral surgeon didn't think it was necessary since her surgery was very simple. So it might depend on your doctors.
That said, I was very glad she was off Humira because her friend (who has Crohn's) had her teeth out while on Prednisone, and her mouth got infected and bothered her for a whole year.
V had hers out last Dec and Jan (one side each visit) while on Remicade AND prednisone. She was given a big dose of amoxicillin the day of the procedure, and did great, no delayed healing, no infection. She had it done with local anesthetic.
My daughter had a double douse of remicade in June and 6 molars removed two weeks later. We followed the instructions for the week and had no problems. The following weeks flew by and we did not even return for the post op visit. Have flexible ice packs ready for when you get home and fill the pain meds the day before so that you do not need to stop after the surgery. I liked the velcro head wrap tube some dentist provide to keep one ice pack on each cheek for the first 24 hours.
Our daughter is due to have her wisdom teeth out as well. When we were at Mayo last week, I asked the GI if it's okay to do this procedure, etc. GI said good to go.

We've also consulted w/our local GI and oral surgeon. No one has told us not to do it or to plan to do anything special, stop meds, etc.

I think we might try to do it the first of summer...
Yep! When O had her oral surgery her oral surgeon had us check with GI. Two weeks after infusion and we were good to go. No antibiotics or anything and it all went off without a hitch!
Thanks for all the info everyone!

(Sorry for the late acknowledgement... all because of our ice storm here!! ;))
My 35 yr. old son on daily 20 mg. Prednisone had 16 teeth removed and an immediate denture placed. Stitches removed 4 days later. Now, less than 2 weeks later, he's healed up like a champ. No ill effects. Motrin for pain ceased with a week following the procedure. Crohn's devastates his intestinal system but in other respects he has a remarkable capacity for healing.
Oh my!! :eek: Your poor son! I'm so sorry he had to have so much dental work done (this being said by someone who asks for numbing gel for a cleaning! :lol: :redface:) but am so glad he's healed up so well! I hope the new year brings your son some relief from his crohns' symptoms though! :ghug:

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