Dear Friends, I had written back about a month ago about all the problems my courageous son was having over the past six or so months with Crohns. We were in and out of the hospital since his diagnosis this past March. After a second opinion at Boston's Children's Hospital, it was recommended that our son might very well require surgery. After seeing little results with medication (not because the medication wasn't working but because the area of intestine was so diseased), we opted for surgery. We were quite scared, but knew that this seemed to be the only option for our son. This past July, he underwent an ilieocecal bowel resection, and I have to say, he's been doing amazingly well. We are beyond thrilled for our son. He is eating well, back to playing golf on his school golf team, socializing with his friends, and just feeling much, much better. We realize that surgery is not a cure, but we feel as though we've come out on top; if you will. It was four months of poor health, stress, tears, and a feeling of powerlessness. He'll continue being treated with Remicade in hopes that we can keep this disease away. (We are so thankful to everyone at Boston's Children's Hospital who restored my son's health. I've nothing but the utmost respect for the professionals at this institution). Again, I've such admiration for those battling IBD. The struggle is real....and how I've seen that struggle in my son's eyes and every part of his being. Today, however, I can let out a deep breath and say with happy tears, that surgery made a difference....a big difference!