Women and Crohns disease?

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Jul 30, 2013
I am just trying to figure out whats going on... about 2-3 years ago, my period stopped showing up. I am 25 years old... my Gyno ran every test under the sun and can't find a reason to why I am not getting my period. Every time she puts me on a medication that you take for 5-7 days to force your period to come, but I would get my period for 1 day after finishing the meds. Well this past time she gave it to me May 2013, my period was refusing to come on even with the medicine, I finially got it after a week of waiting after finishing the meds, but once more I got it for 1 day and never again. Its been a year now since I have had my period.. does anyone else have this problem? And I keep getting told no period means no kids... can crohns make you not have your period? Can it prevent you from getting pregnant?
I stopped having my period for awhile too. It was around the same point in time I had a big weight drop due to a flare however. Once I gained back my lost weight they came back right on time and for my typical amount of time. I am not sure if this is the case with you, but I thought I'd share. Good luck.
I once lost my period for 3 months, I went to sonetherapy once a week for some months and my period came and was regular. Another time I had weirdness with my period, it came 3 times a month and was really irregular I went to a gynecologist who took hormon tests, I had to little estrogen and was put on patch, this adjusted my periode and has been regular since. I dont know if there are any patches when having crohns, cause the one I used I had before I knew of my crohns and cant be used with people having crohns.
I dont know what other options you have tried, but maybe there are some other treatements out there than the forcing with medisin option.
Good luck
My gyno mentioned hormone shots. Since she cant figure out why its not coming. All my blood work is perfect, not anemic nothing :( im just mostly scared of not being able to have kids..
Yes I am flaring I guess. I got surgery to resection my intestines in January, and honestly nothing has changed. Im still horrible sick, im on remicade but I dont think its working. I have never been in remission. I was just seen by an oncologist that my GI sent me to, since my white blood cell count is super high and has been for years. But they also sidnt find anything and are sending me for a bone marrow biopsy.

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