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Jan 6, 2010
Well, today's the big ball of fun day... PREP DAY! Can we get a little celebratory dance here in honor of Prep Day? lol

Well, my body seems to have decided to start the party early. Fabulous. It's cleaning itself out.

Somehow, I see this being a ridiculously long, painful day at work. *sigh*
You are gonna have the time of your life lol... What kind of prep are you taking, I hope it is Pico Salax....the best.
I'm thinking you won't stay at work all day....

but here's the dance :runaway: :banana:
I am sure Jello is on your list?? It really does get you through the day. However, I never eat jello outside of a colonscope clean out...hate it lol. You will be fine, tomorrow is your big day!!!
Here's a dance for ya....hope you get through your day ok!

my.december said:
Yep... Jello and broth. Sure hope that includes vegetable broth!

Yes, as long as what you drink is clear! Did your Gi mention to avoid red jello or grape? It hides the colour of blood and I dont bleed anyways... I loved the peach and orange jello.
Bless your heart for being at work today. My prep was from a Saturday night/all day Sunday, so I didn't have to be in the car picking up/dropping off kids, any errands, etc. I gave my bathroom my undivided attention. :*) Good luck and hopefully everything "runs" smoothly, LOL.
You are brave to be at work - very brave. :) I know i wasnt able too. Drink Poweraid - not the red ones but the other colors are fine. It will keep you from dehydrating. I know you probably heard it again, but drink a lot of it. when i am doing my preps, i drink about 64ozs of it in the 12-18 hour period before and after.
good luck.
I figure I got through working on prep day last year, so I SHOULD be able to do it again. However, last year was the OsmoPrep, and the pills took a good 5 and a half hours or so to kick in. By that point, the work day was ending.

Somehow, I have a feeling the NuLytely is gonna hit a bit sooner. Yuck.
I NEVER trust a fart anyway.

The games have begun. The Gallon o' Nastiness is mixed and... well, living up to its name. Disgusting.
Jess - are you REALLY at work doing this?? There is no way I could do it. The main thing would be trying to pull off driving home - unless you conveniently live across the street. I have a feeling we are gonna have a new story for the public accidents thread - fingers crossed that ain't so!
lol. Yes, I AM worried about the drive home. Terribly so. Enough that I brough trash bags to put between me and my seat. LOL.

However, I've already been told that if I need to go home, I need to go home. So I guess it'll depend upon how much I try to soldier it out.
Well....I'd stop drinking (anything) at least 1 hour before you go home, then pick it back up again. If nothing is going in - not a lot will come out - the "law of prep". You are one brave woman!!
2 hours, 15 minutes until quittin time! Woohoo!

And on a short break from the prep. I felt pukey. This is gonna be a long night since I still have 3/4 of it to go.
If I was home, I'd be chuggin it as quickly as I could just to get it down and not have to deal with it anymore. AND because the threat of an explosion wouldn't be quite as bad.

At work, well, it's harder. Two hours now. The countdown has begun.
I always mix that stuff with Sprite. I drank it straight at first but why torture yourself? :p

I had lime jello when I had mine last week. My prep day was last Monday. Another reason why Mondays suck.
You're almost out of there. I gave you a link to check out in your other thread if you haven't already.
I did check it out. Thanks for that... good read.

Now... only 40 minutes until we close. Less than an hour til I'm outta here. WooHoo!!!! Still a LOT of the nasty prep stuff left to drink, but this glass will be the last until I get home. There are no public bathrooms around my 30 minute trip home.
30 minutes? It's possible but I know I wouldn't want to be without a bathroom for that long on prep day.
good on ya december. . . . . AT WORK . . . . . .i hope you work in a f*^@in ZOO !!

You truly have got guts my friend !!

Good luck with everything

CrabbyRelish said:
30 minutes? It's possible but I know I wouldn't want to be without a bathroom for that long on prep day.

...which is why there are trash bags lining my seat just in case. It sounds terrible, but I had to figure out SOMETHING. I really wasn't dreading the work part of today as much as the drive home part. THAT is scaring me.
bruscar said:
good on ya december. . . . . AT WORK . . . . . .i hope you work in a f*^@in ZOO !!

You truly have got guts my friend !!

Good luck with everything


Nope... a bank. But now the day is almost over. YAY!
Very impressed, i don't know anyone else that would go to work on prep day. I hope the drive home is good to you.
tamesis said:
Very impressed, i don't know anyone else that would go to work on prep day. I hope the drive home is good to you.

I did it last year, so I assumed I would be okay again. Little harder this go round. Didn't have too much choice. No sick time. Work schedule was already set when I booked the colonoscopy last week. It sucks, but I had to do what I could. :( I can't afford leave w/o pay right now.
Jess, you should have invested in a butt plug for the ride home! And if money is an issue, just grab the old stand by, corn cob. lol If those scare ya wad a bunch of rags between cheeks and hold them in place with Duct tape. Works for me. Kidding.

You are a riot. You are one amazing young lady for working thru a prep. How's the ride home. Are you going to have to go thru the car wash with the doors open?

Good luck tomorrow, Jess. I'll be think of ya.
I made it safe and sound. Not a moment too soon, but safe. :) My car is sending many thanks to my sphincter right now.

Part of me actually appreciates working through prep, as miserable as it is. It gives me a feeling of being a trooper AND takes my mind off a stomach that is quite ticked that it's not being fed. It's funny to me that I have little to no appetite 99% of the time, but when I'm not allowed to eat, I am absolutely famished.
You ARE a trooper! There is no way I would be anywhere apart from near the toilet when I am prepping! I was in there almost every 10 minutes for hours with mine!

You may have a long evening ahead of you, but not far to go now!

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