To keep it brief
Had a flare in July - off 12 days on and off which resulted in me being sent for occupational health assessment , triggered by the number of 'points' my absence incurred in company sickness scheme. Declared fit to work (again). Since then my managers attitude has changed markedly , making snide comments about my performance etc which are not justified. In my performance appraisal he also put comments about my absence and the impact it has on rest of team - which I have minimised by working when I was mid flare.
Come in to day to an email saying my reporting line has been changed to report into a new recruit. This is someone who's role I was recruited to cover on an interim basis , have covered several times since and was actually involved in recruiting the previous person who turned down the role after a few months temping. This new manager is not linked to my role as per job description 'logisitics analyst' and he is commercial analysis manager , and it seems I will retain all of the jobs I have been covering while we looked for this new person and a lot of the crap no-one wants.
Feels like I am being pushed aside by my manager as too much trouble to manage , I thought once this new person joined I would be able to pass on some quite 'chunky' tasks which are nothing to do with my role.
Boss says he will speak to me about the changes - should I just keep quiet or should I register formally I am unhappy at what I see as effectively a demotion ? Just about ready to walk out to be honest .... pushed myself to come back after the flare , was put under loads of pressure resulting in anxiety etc and now this ... but I have a mortgage to pay etc !
Thanks for reading
EDIT - Im addition to this my probation period was due to end several months ago and despite repeated requests I have had no confirmation it has been passed ( I was a contractor previous to taking perm job)
Had a flare in July - off 12 days on and off which resulted in me being sent for occupational health assessment , triggered by the number of 'points' my absence incurred in company sickness scheme. Declared fit to work (again). Since then my managers attitude has changed markedly , making snide comments about my performance etc which are not justified. In my performance appraisal he also put comments about my absence and the impact it has on rest of team - which I have minimised by working when I was mid flare.
Come in to day to an email saying my reporting line has been changed to report into a new recruit. This is someone who's role I was recruited to cover on an interim basis , have covered several times since and was actually involved in recruiting the previous person who turned down the role after a few months temping. This new manager is not linked to my role as per job description 'logisitics analyst' and he is commercial analysis manager , and it seems I will retain all of the jobs I have been covering while we looked for this new person and a lot of the crap no-one wants.
Feels like I am being pushed aside by my manager as too much trouble to manage , I thought once this new person joined I would be able to pass on some quite 'chunky' tasks which are nothing to do with my role.
Boss says he will speak to me about the changes - should I just keep quiet or should I register formally I am unhappy at what I see as effectively a demotion ? Just about ready to walk out to be honest .... pushed myself to come back after the flare , was put under loads of pressure resulting in anxiety etc and now this ... but I have a mortgage to pay etc !
Thanks for reading
EDIT - Im addition to this my probation period was due to end several months ago and despite repeated requests I have had no confirmation it has been passed ( I was a contractor previous to taking perm job)