Working With Crohnes

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May 26, 2011
Being at long last diagnosed with Crohnes after having to nearly die, I am considering my future. I am currently on Disability Support Pension, but feel I can still contribute to society through working.
I Have been a Bricklayer all my working life and have also, at one time done some Drafting work (Building Design and Drawing). With my disability I am considering the options I have, Bricklaying means i enjoy my love for the outdoors but have the constant hurdles my crohnes and it's demands put before me. The other option is Drafting, which is work I can do from my home, it can be done even in times of a flare up, as i have worked on drawings even while bedridden before. I believe that to work has a positive affect on both my mental health and well being, and also a positive on my crohnes as it stops me concentrating on every little grumble my tummy gives, and fearing the worst!
I think that yes, we have a significant disability, but our lives are not over. What do others think, and how do you cope in your work. I found that after battling for many years before being diagnosed it became financially impossible in the end. However since then my health has now improved and each day i find myself missing that social work link. Enough writing i need to go :poo: now :lol2:
Hello,I have had ibd for 18 years and there have been times when I have been able to hold down full time jobs,as time has gone by I have had to either give up for a while ,2 years ago I was really ill again and because I was spending so much time in doors I became really depressed nto the pointb where I didn't want to leave the house,although I take antidepressants I foun the only thing that got me back on yrack again was getting a part time job cleaning,iys great cause I can do a few hrs then rush home to the loo and then move on to the next job, your right about the social thing,u need it to have some normality,good luck to you,cheryl
I think there are jobs tht people can do. If I had the support.. need a good car.. I would go back to school for an Esthecian.. or something to help people. There are a coupel schools near me that I could go to but I need a good car and some extra money to help lift the everyday burden.
I talked to the people at the school and they have someone with Crohns taking the program. Unfortunately not many places are open to helping those of us less fortunate.
I recently came o the realization that there are many jobs I won't be able to do. This year fir me has been pretty terrible and I just started back to work. I pretty much have to be around a bathroom at all times. Luckily I don't have anyone at work looking over my shoulder or monitor my times I come in. I have a great job at the moment that really works for my Crohns Disease. I believe it will be dependent on the person. I had 4 months off and was going crazy. I much prefer to be working, but in an environment that suits me. At this point I know my limitations, I just hate that I have some.
Its hard to come to terms with the fact that with crohnes it puts limitations on us. I am just glad that life treated me pretty good until my late forties. The kids diagnosed with this insidious disease are the ones I really feel for. At least being diagnosed early and with treatment, they may be spared the surgery that certainly puts more limitations on us for work and socially.

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